Teen bravely vows to ‘live his truth’ after being rejected by his mother

A teen has shared a heated exchange between himself and his mother during which she rejected him for wearing makeup.
Twitter user Jauan Durbin, a freshman at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, shared the screenshot of a text exchange with his mother.
After he sent her a photograph of himself wearing makeup, she responded with some pretty hateful messages.
She wrote: “I do not approve of this bullshyt”.
Adding: “Wth is wrong with u. I am so disappointed.”
“U are a male wth do u have on eyelashes, eyebrows and make up. I’m completely done,” she said in a third message.
Durbin simply responded “ok” to his mother, and shared the exchange on Twitter, vowing to “live in my truth until the day that I die”.
But the teen has found support online, with an outpouring of love from his followers.
The tweet from April has been retweeted more that 5,000 times, and has been liked by nearly 15,000 people.
Durbin’s story is reminiscent of a male makeup artist who earlier this year had the absolute perfect response to trolls who attacked him on Twitter.
Trayvon Dickerson, who tweets about wanting to be an inspiration to LGBT+ youths, hit back after he became the subject of a cruel meme, challenging them to address him directly.
A 12-year-old last month wowed Ellen DeGeneres with his singing and love for make-up.
Reuben de Maid, from Llandaff, Wales, performed the Dreamgirls classic And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going on the US daytime show.
Another gay makeup artist shut down homophobic comments perfectly with the help and support of his dad.