Trans refugees attacked in Leros camp by group of 20

Two transgender refugees living in a refugee camp have reportedly been attacked by a number of locals.
A group of an estimated 20 people on the island have been carrying out hatefully motivated attacks against refugees.
The two trans people, who were staying in a UNHRC camp in Leros, were set up on by the group which is made up mostly of men.
One victim had to receive hospital treatment after the attack which was carried out by the men who ride motorcycles and wear hooded clothing.
The women were believed to have been walking towards a refugee centre on the island which is run by the UNHRC when they were attacked from behind with a wooden rod.
Greece’s Transgender Support Association (GTSA) has deemed the attack as racists as the attackers terrorise and mock refugees.
The GTSA said that the police are “not doing anything about” the incident.
It is believed the attack is the third in a number of attacks being carried out by the group.
The GTSA has urged the state and the UNHCR to take necessary precautions to protect refugees from further attacks.
Greece rejected an asylum claim from a gay Syrian refugee last year and ordered the man to return to Turkey after they ruled that claims he could be persecuted for his sexual orientation in his home were deemed “unreliable”.
The project will provide social, emotional, and educational support, with regular workshops helping LGBT asylum seekers and refugees to become active citizens in the UK.
A gay refugee seeking asylum in Germany had their application initially refused after he was allegedly assaulted by police, but told he only has himself to blame.
He told an asylum hearing he was arrested for his sexuality, and once in police custody physically and sexually assaulted.
However, after fleeing North Africa officials in Germany told him he should have done more to report the abuse.
“Possible lapses of individual police officers cannot be transferred to the entirety of the Tunisian state’s security forces,” the Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) said in their decision.
“The applicant has to attribute his behaviour to himself.”