Get ready: Orange is the New Black season 5 is the most bingeworthy yet

Take June 9th off work.
And if one day’s not enough for you to hungrily consume more than 11 hours of gripping action, cancel all your plans for the June 10-11 weekend.
Would YOU survive an Orange is the New Black prison riot?
Season five of Orange is the New Black is the hit Netflix show at its most bingeable.
Plus, if you give in to the gut-wrenching drama and occasional humour of Litchfield and watch all 13 episodes at once over three days, you’ll be watching in time with the new season.
The fifth OITNB series to grace us with its presence takes place over 72 hours of hard-hitting, racially charged, riot-filled action.
Every episode finishes with a cliffhanger or by introducing a new plot point, pushing the viewer – practically shoving them, really – to give in and let the next one play.
Basically, it’s going to be like a season of 24, multiplied by three.
Episode one, called Riot FOMO, opens on the inmates gathered around pregnant prisoner Dayanara and prison officer Humphrey, with lots of Litchfield women urging her to pull the trigger.
The reconciled Alex and Piper hang back from getting involved in the riot sparked by Poussey Washington’s death at the hands of an officer, eventually leaving the scene entirely as even more prisoners arrive.
Then, a gunshot rings out.
Without giving anything away, the drama spirals upwards from there, burning, tearing and rampaging its way through the prison and the series.
The show puts prisoners into unexpected positions of power and rips them away, all while maintaining the emotional complexity we’ve come to expect.
While nothing has changed on the show in the past year – literally, seeing as the action picks up straight where it left off – plenty has happened within the star-studded cast.
Last year, Samira Wiley, who played Poussey, announced her engagement to one of the show’s writers, Lauren Morelli.
Their wedding in March was a beautiful, intimate ceremony with a theme of confetti.
And their honeymoon was similarly perfect.
The multi-award winning show has grown from strength to strength over the years and increased the cast to include well-known LGBT celebrities such as Ruby Rose.
And the Australian star is returning for this dramatic, heart-stopping season of OITNB.
The show’s stars have also captured fans’ hearts via social media by befriending each other, celebrating Pride and travelling together.