Orange is the New Black star Taylor Schilling opens up about her sexuality

<> at Origins Harvard Square on May 18, 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts.
Orange is the New Black star Taylor Schilling has opened up about her sexuality.
The actress, who plays Piper Chapman in the Netflix prison drama, has always refused to comment on rumours that she dated Portlandia star and musician Carrie Brownstein.
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But ahead of the release of season 5 of Orange is the New Black on June 9th, Schilling spoke about how she saw her sexuality.
‘I’ve had very serious relationships with lots of people, and I’m a very expansive human,” she told Evening Standard Magazine.
“There’s no part of me that can be put under a label.
“I really don’t fit into a box – that’s too reductive,” she added.
Schilling, who is currently single, explained: “I’m working all the time – I don’t really have anything else going on.
“But I’ve had wonderful relationships.
“I’ve had a lot of love, and I don’t have any qualms about where it comes from.”
Orange is the New Black has been a pioneering show, confronting LGBT issues head on without stopping to apologise or diluting scenes for fear of offending.
Schilling, 32, said she was delighted with how much progress had been made with LGBT issues since Litchfield Prison sprang fully formed into our consciousnesses in 2013.
“Oh, in the first season, all people wanted to talk about was what it was like to kiss a girl,” she recalled.
“Now, if someone asks me that, there’s complete understanding if I say: ‘I’m not going to answer that question.’”
The difference now was that people have stopped caring as much about same-sex relationships, she said – in a good way.
“The things that are happening in this show, and to Piper, are not about the gender of the person she’s sleeping with.
“And that’s only four years.
“I do feel that things have changed – the world has become a little more Orange.”
The world may be about to turn an even deeper shade of orange, as season 5 of the show is reportedly the most bingeworthy yet.
The entire 13-episode run takes place over 72 hours of hard-hitting, racially charged, riot-filled action.
Every episode finishes with a cliffhanger or by introducing a new plot point, pushing the viewer – practically shoving them, really – to give in and let the next one play.
Plus Piper’s love interest Stella Carlin – played by Ruby Rose – is set to return.