Facebook removed the Pride reaction on World Pride day and people are really upset

Facebook has removed the Pride reaction button and people are going out of their minds.
The button disappeared at midnight on 30 June, at the end of Pride Month.
But despite Pride Month being over, Pride events are still happening around the world, including the final day of World Pride in Madrid today.
Pride in London also takes place next weekend and there are a number of UK and European Pride events still to happen.
Many took to Twitter to complain that the button had been removed, pointing out that it means a lot for the LGBT community and that they want the button to be permanently reinstated.
One Twitter user called the removal “brutal”, and another angrily wrote: “The pride react is gone and I ask you gentlemen what is even the point of fucking Facebook anymore”.
Author Steve Silberman wrote: “The Facebook pride emoji suddenly disappearing tonight felt a little too relevant.”
Facebook decided to embrace Pride Month by adding a rainbow flag to the standard panel of reactions.
Alongside Like, Love, Sad, Haha, Wow and Angry, a new Pride reaction was added to show your LGBT love.
But it later became clear that the site was hiding its LGBT Pride Month reactions from users in countries with anti-gay laws.
Users in Egypt, Palestine, Bahrain, Lebanon, Singapore, Russia, among other countries, are unable to access to LGBT flag.
Facebook has not explained its reasoning for withholding the reaction in the countries.
Facebook had choice wording when it launched the reaction, stating: “People in major markets with Pride celebrations will be able to use a temporary rainbow reaction during Pride month.
“You can also like this page to access the reaction, however, because this is a new experience we’ve been testing, the rainbow reaction will not be available everywhere.”
Facebook users have condemned the decision.
World Pride comes to its conclusion with its parade today in Madrid, and Singapore held its annual Pink Dot event attracting thousands of revellers.