Homophobes attack LGBT organisation banned from ‘Freedom Festival’

Homophobes have attacked an LGBT organisation after they were banned from a “Freedom Festival” to celebrate July 4.
Encircle, in Utah, posted a statement on Facebook after the festival decided that they would ban the organisation because of their “advocacy”.
Homophobes flocked to the statement and defending the actions of the festival.
They claimed that LGBT people had their celebrations over Pride month and so they should leave American’s to celebrate their Independence Day.
“The parade celebrates our freedom… you gays already had a FULL MONTH!!!! that gay month is over…. don’t be disrespectful…..let us Americans celebrate our freedom….geez,” wrote one person.
Another person said: “We had gay month. Now let the people with real family values celebrate ours. Go away”.
Encircle provides counselling and suicide prevention to young LGBT people in the Provo area of Utah.
The organisation, which was only formed 6 months ago, were given permission to participate at the festival but they were banned last minute as they were accused of being political advocates.
The group maintains that they are not political in their work.
They said in a statement: “We do not and never have advocated a certain political party or legal action. We maintain, as we always have, that our mission is to “Empower families to sustain the circle of their love, enabling each member to thrive.”
The Freedom Festival claims it “highlights freedom through bands, professionally crafted floats, giant helium balloons and local and national performers”.
It also encourages participants to “promote patriotism and traditional family values to around 300,000 spectators.”
One homophobe who hit out at Encircle claimed “LGBT is not a “tradition [sic] family value”.”
In spite of the homophobia, the organisation claimed that they “will always come from a place of love and intention, never fear or reaction”.
“We are here to be a safe space for all, which means being planted firmly,” they added.