John Barrowman turns up to Comic Con in a tutu and calls himself the ‘transgender TARDIS’

John Barrowman turns up to a Doctor Who event at Comic Con in a fetching TARDIS dress.
The former Doctor Who and Arrow star made an stir at the San Diego festival this week, when he rocked up in a fetching blue dress.
The gay actor made an appearance the event in a sparkly blue TARDIS tutu.
Pirouetting on stage, he shouted: “I’m so dizzy right now. I totally blinged myself out! I am the transgender TARDIS!”
Speaking later at the Doctor Who panel, the actor gave an impassioned defence of the casting of Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor.
According to Radio Times, he said: “If we buy into the world of Doctor Who – which we do, those of us who love it – we buy into it, we commit to it, we go where that TARDIS takes us.
“It doesn’t say that he will be a he all the time. We don’t know who he’ll regenerate into, so it could conceivably happen. If we forget the producers who are making the decision, if we believe it as that world – I’m getting really geeky and nerdy right here – it could possibly happen, it could be a girl.”
He added: “Now, I love Doctor Who, I have since I was 4 or 5 and can remember my first experience with Doctor Who.
“However, we have to wait and see what happens. So the people who are the critics at the moment, they have a right to be critical, but let’s all give it a chance.
“How about that? Just sit down and give it a chance.”
Meanwhile the actor called for transgender Doctor Who companion to succeed gay companion Bill Potts (played by Pearl Mackie).
He said: “Give the Doctor a transgender companion, give him a boy, give him a girl, give him a little boy or little girl; we could have many different combinations. It can be open to a lot.”
Given Barrowman recently departed from sci-fi series Arrow, he has plenty of time free should producers come a-knocking.
The Doctor Who star showed off rather more of his husband than he intended to during a live-stream with fans last year.
The actor was live-streaming a chat with fans from a Palm Springs hot tub when his husband Scott Gill happened to get in too… completely naked.