21 mind-blowing theories and facts about cartoon characters who are secretly LGBT

As everybody knows, LGBT representation is so incredibly important when it comes to TV and film. Being able to see yourself reflected in the media acts as a sort of guidance, especially when you are young.
Cartoons are without a doubt a favourite of young people across the world and even though you may not have realised it when you were young, some of your favourite shows probably had LGBT characters.
From the 1990’s classic Hey Arnold up to the more recent Adventure Time, cartoons have hosted a whole range of LGBT characters helping represent the community.
Here are some of our favourite examples of the best cartoon characters.
1. Marceline the Vampire Queen and Princess Bubblegum in Adventure Time
The author of the Adventure Time Encyclopedia Martin Olson and his daughter Olivia confirmed that Marceline the Vampire Queen and Princess Bubblegum had dated in the past.
Their former relationship explains their rocky rivalry which prevents them from getting along with each other.
However, the former relationship of the two is never revealed in an episode because it is aired in some countries where homosexuality is still illegal
Olivia said that their relationship may be mentioned in the upcoming book.
2. Ursula in The Little Mermaid
Ursula is an iconic sea witch who channels strong vibes of an evil drag queen.
Loads of people have compared the Little Mermaid villain to the drag queen Divine as she seduces and manipulates Ariel while being completely fabulous.
3. Betty DeVille in Rugrats
While she isn’t really specified as being LGBT, and the theories are pretty sparse about Betty DeVille’s sexuality as a whole, one thing is for sure is that she is an incredibly strong woman and badass feminist.
We can imagine she would be a pioneer of Dyke marches across the country.
4. Scar in The Lion King
Scar is one of the star examples of a “coded gay” character. The creators of The Lion King left clues throughout the film that hinted to the villain’s sexuality.
From his effeminate and sardonic behaviour to his lack of connection with any of the lionesses surrounding him, Scar definitely shows signs of not being entirely straight.
5. Patty Bouvier in The Simpsons
Patty is one-half of Patty and Selma, the chain-smoking twin sisters of Marge.
The character Patty officially came out in the 16th season of the show in the episode ‘There’s something about Marrying’.
It was one of the few episodes that carried the rarely used warning of content that might be unsuitable for children.
6. Hades in Hercules
Hades really is everybody’s dream gay best friend.
His pure sass and just general talent is everything, but Greek mythology would tell us that the character probably isn’t gay.
We can dream though.
7. Marshmallows in Bob’s Burgers
Marshmallow is one of the very few examples of a trans woman of colour
The brilliant character, who is a sex worker, is called Marshmallow because if you show her a sweet potato pie she “is on top of it”.
Bob described her in an episode: “She comes and goes as she pleases, she answers to no-one and she is truly free.”
8. Elsa in Frozen
The new independent princess on the block, Elsa, is the epitome of a strong independent woman.
‘Let It Go’ may have been about revealing her ice-princess powers, but the song has taken on connotations of no longer being in the closet.
We love Elsa for not needing a male interest in the Frozen film, and we love that she’s become an inspiring figure for children across the world.
Idina Menzel, who starred in the film, got on board with a campaign to give Elsa a girlfriend and she suggested Tinkerbell would be perfect for the role.
9. Rick Sanchez in Rick and Morty
Justin Roiland, a creator and executive producer of the show, confirmed that Rick is pansexual.
This was first revealed in the second season of the show when Rick reconnects with a former lover, Unity, a collective hive mind of individuals from a planet.
The character’s sexuality is also hinted at in other parts of the show when it covers his backstory.
10. Oaken in Frozen
Oaken is the more obvious, much more gay character in the Disney film.
The short scene that Oaken appears in shows the jolly trader offering Anna and Kristoff the opportunity to go to the sauna, where his husband is.
Jennifer Lee, the film’s writer and co-director, said she believes it’s ‘up to the fans’ to decide what is going on in that scene.
11. Le Fou in Beauty and the Beast
It was revealed that the character Le Fou, in the Disney favourite Beauty and the Beast, is gay and would have a moment of exploring his sexuality in the live-action remake of the film.
Bill Condon, the director of the remake, explained that Le Fou doesn’t know whether he wants to be Gaston, who he is a manservant to, or be with him.
“He’s confused about what he wants. It’s somebody who’s just realising that he has these feelings,” Condon said.
“It is a nice, exclusively gay moment in a Disney movie.”
12. Betty Rubble and Wilma Flinstone in The Flinstones
This is might really be pushing the boat out, but hear us out.
Betty and Wilma are SMOKING and honestly, we’re sure what compelled them to settle with their husbands. SURE the show may have been set in the Stone Age when the men were hunter-gatherers, but that would definitely leave the women pretty bored.
We’re sure that the men are really just the beards of the much more interesting relationship between Betty and Wilma.
13. Timon and Pumbaa in The Lion King
‘Hakuna Matata’ is basically the ultimate song for not worrying about your worries or your sexuality.
Timon and Pumbaa make the ultimate flamboyant couple, and even if they aren’t “officially” together we still thought they made two great dads for Simba.
14. Eugene Horowitz in Hey Arnold!
Eugene is described as a character who is “proto-gay”, meaning he hasn’t come to terms with his sexuality just yet but he’s coming close to understanding himself as he realises he doesn’t experience attraction to the opposite gender.
Show creator Craig Bartlett said: “We always figured Eugene was kind of proto-gay. He’s not gay yet, he just will be. He loves musical theater, and he’s a wonderful guy.”
15. Pleakley in Lilo and Stitch
Pleakly isn’t necessarily LGBT but the male-identifying character definitely experiments with drag in in the film.
He is seen trying “female” clothing and when he is outside with humans he often presents as female.
16. Waylon Smithers in The Simpsons
Waylonn Smithers was assumed to be gay from as soon as he appeared in The Simpsons. However, he did not officially come out until the 27th season of the show in the episode ‘The Burns Cage’
Smithers does appear in Springfield’s annual gay Pride parade on a float called “Stayin’ in the Closet!” in the 2002 episode “Jaws Wired Shut”.
17. Bucky and Pronk in Zootopia
Disney featured a married gay couple in the film but it was so incredibly sly that basically, everyone missed it.
Bucky and Pronk Oryx-Antlerson are never confirmed as being together outright but some eagle-eyed viewers noted that the two seem to definitely be married with their bickering and shared surname.
18. Charlotte Pickles in Rugrats
The true, original iconic power lesbian.
OK, so she isn’t a lesbian in the show but there’s a lot of really bizarre fan fiction out thereabout Charlotte Pickles having a secret girlfriend.
19. Pam Poovey in Archer
The creator of Archer, Adam Reed, told Variety how the character Pam is a male detective called Povey in the new season of Archer: Dreamland.
Pam’s male gender identity isn’t really addressed in the new season, but Reed explained that the intention wasn’t to have a trans character. Rather they just bent gender stereotypes to make the series fit with the 1947 theme.
“I didn’t set out to make a statement — and hopefully whatever statement is made doesn’t offend anybody, because she’s still a total badass,” Reed explained. “You can interpret it in a lot of different ways. There’s a lot left to the audience.”
He added. “If this character is living as a man but was born a woman in 1920, but in 1947 is living as a man. Or it’s just in Archer’s head: suddenly blink, and Poovey is now a man?”
20. Enos Fry in Futurama
The main character of Futurama, Philip J. Fry, meets his grandfather Enos Fry in the episode “Roswell that Ends Well”.
The episode takes place before Yancy, Philip’s father was conceived and it follows Philip trying to make sure he gets his grandfather to get his grandmother pregnant.
In the episode, Enos says “did you ever get the feeling you’re only going with girls ’cause you’re supposed to?” and also shows no interest in a pin-up calendar gifted to him by his grandfather, however, he does hover on a picture of a shirtless man.
The character is killed off in the episode.
21. Ann Possible in Kim Possible
Honestly, we are just loving sexually ambiguous power moms in this listicle. Sorry, not sorry.
Ann Possible is most definitely a single handed badass queer mother, who raised an even more badass daughter. Go Ann!