Police officers caught on camera mocking ‘gay’ burglary victim

Police officers were caught on a burglary victim’s home security system questioning his sexuality and dancing around the crime scene.
Clarence Williams was the victim of a burglary at his home in Washington DC on August 8, while he was out of the country.
Police were called to the scene after the intruder, who made off with his computer, triggered an alarm system.
The burglar was caught red-handed on Williams’ home surveillance system, but he wasn’t the only one unwittingly filmed by the system.
While checking back on the footage, Williams was stunned to discover that two police officers who had attended the scene in the wake of the burglary were recorded speculating about his sexuality.
In the footage one officer can be heard discussing the items that were taken in the burglary.
Observing the fashionable brands, the officer says: “Macbook, Mac Pro. [Clothing from] Armani, Dolce and Gabbana… he’s probably gay.”
His colleague laughed at the remark. One of the police officers was also caught on camera dancing in the middle of the crime scene.
Mr Williams told NBC4: “I’m feeling disillusioned and upset… I was appalled, and at the same time I was frantic because I was out of the country.
“We’ve got police out here dancing in my home and acting as if this is a joke. This is serious. This is my life.”
Mr Williams also accused the police of failing to respond properly the burglary alert.
The first police officer on the scene after the alarm was tripped only checked the front door, and upon finding it was locked left without investigating further.
It was only hours later that Mr Williams’ neighbours called the police back after noticing that the back door to the property had been smashed.
A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police Department told NBC that the two officers have not been suspended, but have been placed on “non-contact status” for misconduct.
According to a MPD police handbook, non-contact status means they “have been assigned to an [office] with restricted contact with the public”, but are still working with “no loss of salary”
Next: Burglar breaks into church to leave note condemning gays and thieves