Piers Morgan just said trousers are only for boys

(ITV & Twitter/Piers Morgan)
Piers Morgan has said that wearing trousers is for boys.
The Good Morning Britain host was reacting to news that his former school has made its uniform gender-neutral by banning skirts.
Priory School in the south of England made the move to be more inclusive of its transgender pupils, and will allow students of all genders to wear shorts or skorts in summer.

Morgan, who has a history of grumpily lashing out at gender-neutral and non-binary concepts and people, tweeted: “It’s not even ‘neutral’.
“They’re just making the girls dress like boys. Utterly absurd.”
The school’s headteacher, Tony Smith, told PinkNews: “We wanted a uniform for everyone.”
He explained: “It could have been skirts for everyone, but we wanted to go with a uniform that was easy to source and supply, and that’s not easy for boys’ cuts.”
“A number” of trans students had welcomed the move when it was announced, he said, adding: “We wanted a uniform which promotes greater equality.

(Twitter/Piers Morgan)
“We’ve done this for positive reasons. For us, it is a greater equality having the same for everybody.”
He told the Brighton Argus that his inspiration for the decision, still a radical act in 2017, came from the children.
“Pupils have been saying: ‘Why do boys have to wear ties and girls don’t, and girls have different uniform to boys?’” he told the Mail Online.
“So we decided to have the same uniform for everybody from Year 7.”

He added that the small but symbolic change would make a huge difference to trans pupils who go to the school in Lewes, Sussex.
The school has “a small but increasing number of transgender students, and therefore having the same uniform is important for them,” he explained.
This is not the first time Piers Morgan has been insensitive when faced with a gender-related issue.
He lashed out against Emma Watson after she picked up the gender-neutral Best Actor prize at the MTV TV and Movie Awards in May.
He then went on a bizarre rant in which he suggested he would call himself “an Arsenal tragic gender,” then said he might wear a dress at the news that a London school was instituting gender-neutral uniforms.

And the chat show host continued his rampage by telling a trans non-binary couple that non-binary children were “a contagion” and that “two or three” trans kids died from suicide last year.
A 2014 study found that 48 percent of trans people under 26 in Britain had attempted suicide.
He also said that identifying as non-binary is “a massive new fad”.
Stonewall called him “bigoted and transphobic” after he made these comments, but this did not stop him.
Despite having taken part in the charity’s Rainbow Laces campaign in the past, he responded by childishly calling Stonewall “bigoted & Piers-phobic”.