Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn claims trans-inclusivity will lead to ‘burqas for boys’

Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn had called LGBT activists ‘Nazis’ and claimed that accepting transgender students in schools will lead to ‘burqas for boys’.
The extraordinary claim comes from Littlejohn’s column in the Daily Mail, in which he notes the annual GQ Men of the Year Awards.
Littlejohn writes: “I’d have thought anything called ‘Men of the Year’ was about as welcome as a mouldy old jock-strap in this age of identity politics.
“Unless, of course, the Man of the Year award was won by a woman — or a transsexual. These days, anybody can pretend to be whatever they want to be — and woe betide anyone who gainsays them.
“This lunacy is a direct consequence of the deliberate policy of [Alastair] Campbell’s New Labour to divide and rule — carving up society into a gaggle of competing ‘victim’ groups based on race, gender and sexual preference.”

(Photo by Scott Barbour/Getty Images)
He added: “Even though we rightly treat genuine cases of gender dysphoria with sympathy and understanding, it was never going to be enough for the diversity nazis, who are now hell-bent on eradicating any notion of ‘men’ and ‘women’ as part of their crusade to destroy every last vestige of traditionalism.
“Politicians and public bodies were always going to be a pushover. You can rely on taxpayer-funded organisations to advance the diversity agenda.
Just as I predicted ten years ago, ‘trans-friendly’ toilets are now everywhere — even in schools.
“Yesterday, a Cardiff secondary school introduced open-plan, hotel-style ‘gender-neutral’ cubicles for boys and girls aged 11 to 18.
“Needless to say, the boys have already gravitated to one side of the room and girls to the other.
Littlejohn proceeded to claim that gender inclusivity in schools is “imposing Left-wing adult agendas on impressionable young people”,
The writer also lashed out at John Lewis for removing ‘girls’ and ‘boys’ labels from its clothing.
He added: “There’s been plenty of comment this week about John Lewis scrapping the distinction between boys’ and girls’ clothes. I don’t propose to add to it, other than to observe that the mooted boycott of the store isn’t going to happen.
“Unlike the pond life who swim in the sewer of social media, and the Left-wing parasites who populate the Stalinist directorates in our Town Halls, the kind of decent folk who shop at John Lewis don’t go in for petulant gesture politics.
“But, not for the first time, I can’t help wondering where it’s all going to end.
“Now education authorities have put hijabs for five-year-olds on the uniform list, it’s probably only a matter of time before some right-on retailer starts selling burqas for boys.”
Littlejohn recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality by publishing a vile homophobic hit piece on a Navy officer.
It’s not the first time Littlejohn has made divisive comments about LGBT issues.
In 2012, Littlejohn wrote a column for the Mail ‘outing’ a transgender school teacher, Lucy Meadows, insisting that trans people should not be permitted in classrooms.
Meadows – who complained to the press watchdog about Littlejohn’s column –Â took her own life just months later.
The coroner in the case was critical of the intense press coverage of Meadows, though he was later rebuked by the Office for Judicial Complaints after a legal complaint was lodged.