Montenegro Pride goers call for less violence in the country

Montenegro Pride 2013

Over 200 people turned out for Pride in Montenegro today.

Ralliers called for the eradication of violence against LGBTQ+ people and an increase in rights in the country.

The event, which took place in the capital of Podgorica, was themed ā€œwith chivalry against violenceā€.

Police sealed off the route to protect the marchers who held signs championing the LGBTQ+ community.

Daniel Kalezic, an organiser of the Pride event, told The Associated Press that they were pushing for lawmakers in the government to treat hate crimes with proper punishment.

Kalezic insisted that anti-LGBTQ attacks are often treated as ā€œordinary fistfightsā€.

It is the fifth successful Pride to be held in the country, although past marches were marred by counter-demonstrators.

In 2015, Pride events were banned three times.

The Balkan country is known for having highly conservative attitudes towards the LGBTQ community, with one survey finding that 71% of people there consider homosexuality to be a disease and 58% believe it to be ā€œvery dangerous for societyā€.

The government in Montenegro has recently made moves to support the LGBTQ community as it prepares to seek membership in the European Union.

Here are some of the best shots from Montenegro Pride 2017.

Montenegro Pride 2017
(Photo by intendente_j/Instagram)
Montenegro Pride 2017
(Photo by maydolina/Instagram)
Montenegro Pride 2017
(Photo by tqu_berlin/Instagram)
Montenegro Pride 2017
(Photo by dominikkoeh/Instagram)