Trump’s ‘dirty trickster’ advisor addresses sexuality rumours

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
After a new documentary resurfaced rumours, Roger Stone, the former Trump advisor who is currently under investigation for Russian collusion, has addressed whether he is bisexual.
Asked point-blank whether he was bisexual, or attracted to men in any way, Stone answers “why would that be anybody’s business?”
He then says “here’s the truth, I’m try-sexual.”
“I’ve tried everything.”

Roger Stone on his book tour, March 2017 (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
A Netflix documentary called Get Me Roger Stone was released earlier this year, detailing Stone’s lurid political career.
During filming Stone called the filmmakers “Commie pinko homosexual liberals.”
The documentary brings up the 1996 scandal when Stone and his wife were discovered to have posted ads in a swinging magazine and website.
“Hot, insatiable lady and her handsome body builder husband, experienced swingers, seek similar couples or exceptional muscular . . . single men,” the online ad read.
At the time, Stone said the scandal was a setup, but was still forced to resign from his political campaign position.
However in a 2008 New Yorker interview, he admitted that the ads had been real.
“When that whole thing hit the fan in 1996, the reason I gave a blanket denial was that my grandparents were still alive. I’m not guilty of hypocrisy. I’m a libertarian and a libertine.”
Stone was an advisor to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year. Although he left amid controversy in August 2015, he remained a strong supporter of Trump as well as an unofficial advisor.
Known for his “dirty trickster” reputation gained in the 70s when he worked for Richard Nixon, Stone ran smear campaigns against other candidates and was implicated in the Watergate scandal.
He has participated in conspiracy theorist rumours on everything to Bill Clinton having an illegitimate black son, to Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin having connections with Muslim terrorist groups.
Related: Media planning gay smears against Donald Trump, Roger Stone claims
He is currently under investigation for alleged communications with a Russian hacker and Julian Assange during the 2016 election.
Earlier this year he was forced to apologise for several offensive remarks made, including calling several prominent African-American figures, “negros.”
“I don’t expect this apology to appease my critics because, like the President, nothing I say can please them. Like Trump I don’t apologize as a general principle. I am violating one of my own Rules.
He was criticised by Ted Cruz in April 2016, who said he was “pulling the strings on Donald Trump.”
“He planned the Trump campaign, and he is Trump’s henchman and dirty trickster. And this pattern, Donald keeps associating himself with people who encourage violence.”
You can watch the interview clip here.