Labour MP mocked ‘fudge packers and poofters’ and lashed out at gay ‘heterophobes’

A Labour MP has posted extreme homophobic comments online ranting about ‘fudge packers and ‘poofters’.
Jared O’Mara became the Labour MP for Sheffield Hallam earlier this year, when he unseated former Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who championed equal marriage.
But the newly-elected MP, who sits on the Women and Equalities Committee, is under scrutiny this week over posts believed to have been made by Mr O’Mara.
PinkNews today obtained evidence, sent by an anonymous ‘JaredLeaks’, that appear to suggest Mr O’Mara made a string of homophobic comments on an internet forum.
The comments were made on a fansite for Smiths singer Morrissey.
In an argument with several other users of the message board, a user known as ‘gingerjared’ derided gay people as “fudge packers” and “poofters”.
One comment reads: “I find it funny how some homosexuals think they have the monopoly on being subject to abuse,they should try being Ginger( a red head for any charmingly naive cross-pond residents) AND Disabled!
“can you begin to imagine how shitty that can be? At least the powers that be acknowledge that homophobia’s a problem, they don’t give a toss about all the ginger abuse that goes off, which, despite many viewing it to be a pathetically melodramatic assertion, I’m adamant is a form of racism.”
He added: “Christ, you poofters think you’ve got it bad, My heart bleeds purple wee wee for you, it really does!”
In an argument about whether Morrissey is gay, the future MP also wrote: “Just cos he writes about gayness and gay issues, doesn’t mean he drives up the Marmite motorway, or, for that matter, allows someone to drive up his.
“And just because I use euphamisms for anal love that can be interpreted as being derogotory by the self -righteous and the PC brigade DOES NOT mean I’m homophobic.”
He added: “You do mean ‘took it up the ass’ figuratively don’t you? I know there’s always been speculation over Moz’s sexuality.
“It’s just that I prefer to believe the David Bret advocated stance that sez Stevie took a vow of celibacy when the girl he fancied at college (I think her name was Anne Marie?, ‘Half a Person’ was about him chasing a look a like of her).died of cancer.
“And, no, before anyone accuses me of being a homophobe, I’m not. I just think that this story is much more poignantly romantic than fudge packing Jake or anyone else in a casual manner and I don’t want such a lovely vista to be spoilt.”
He also wrote: “Yeah, people think homophobia’s a problem… well this sites rife with HETEROPHOBIA!.”
PinkNews has contacted Mr O’Mara’s office and the office of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for comment, but received no response.
Iain Stewart MP, patron of LGBT+ Conservatives, said: “These comments are disgusting and deeply offensive.
“We have made such good progress in advancing LGBT+ issues. The UK Parliament has been at the forefront of this globally.
“Do Labour really think it is appropriate that someone that holds these views should sit on the Women and Equalities select committee.
Meanwhile Liberal Democrat peer Lord Scriven called on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to suspend Mr O’Mara immediately.
He told PinkNews: “It is becoming clear now that the Labour MP for Sheffield Hallam has very deeply held sexist and homophobic views that have no place in modern progressive politics.
“He should have the Labour whip withdrawn by Jeremy Corbyn pending an investigation.
“I know people in Sheffield Hallam will be mortified that they are represented by such a misogynist and homophobic dinosaur.”
Gay Labour MP Stephen Doughty added: “These comments are obviously totally unacceptable.
“As one of the Co-Chairs of the LGBT Parliamentary Labour Party I raised my deep concerns directly in person with Jared this afternoon and have received a frank apology which I hope to see made public shortly.”
A statement from LGBT Labour said: “LGBT Labour are deeply concerned following the historical homophobic comments made by Jared O’Mara.
“These types of comments have no place within Labour or any other political party. While we recognise that these comments were made some time ago that doesn’t excuse such ignorance and bigotry.
“We expect a full and public apology from Mr O’Mara and ask that he meets with members of the LGBT Labour committee in order to understand the inequality many LGBT people face.”
The comments were posted in 2002, two years before Mr O’Mara stood as a Labour candidate in local Sheffield elections.
The revelations come after right-wing website Guido Fawkes posted an excerpt from a separate music forum where a user known as ‘Jared’, believed to be Mr O’Mara, vented about singer Jamie Cullum.
In the post he brands the singer a “conceited c**t” and suggests he should be “sodomised with his own piano”.
The post reads: “He is just some young posh kid who would never be able to cut it amongst the Jazz greats that got lucky because his image and repotoire appealed to the corporate c**ts because they knew it’d sell records.
“It would be no great loss to the music world if he was sodomised with his own piano and subsequently died of a sore arse. In fact, it would be quite funny.”
Those posts were from 2004, when Mr O’Mara was 23.
Mr O’Mara has previously come under fire for comments he made about women online.
It was previously revealed that he suggested the members of the band Girls Aloud should have sex with him.
He wrote: “Girls Aloud- I advise you to sack Sarah and the remaining four members (Nicola, Cheryl, Nadine and Kimberley) come and gave an orgy with me.”
O’Mara said of those comments: “These comments were posted years ago, with no offence intended. I apologise for any caused.”
In a fuller statement he said: “I am deeply ashamed of the comments I made online, which have emerged today.
“I was wrong to make them; I understand why they are offensive and sincerely apologise for my use of such unacceptable language. I made the comments as a young man, at a particularly difficult time in my life, but that is no excuse.
“Misogyny is a deep problem in our society. Since making those comments 15 years ago, I have learned about inequalities of power and how violent language perpetuates them.
“I continue to strive to be a better man and work where I can to confront misogyny, which is why I’m so proud to sit on the Women and Equalities Select Committee.
“I will continue to engage with, and crucially learn from, feminist and other equalities groups so as an MP I can do whatever I can to tackle misogyny.”
Earlier this year a Labour councillor was forced out of the party after PinkNews revealed that she had posted messages describing Pride marches as “evil” on social media.
Responding to critics Cllr Chika Amadi insisted: “You did not vote me in and You cannot remove me. Keep your mouth where your money is. Keep busy and stop nosing around.”
She was suspended by the Labour Party within hours of PinkNews’ report.
Conservative MP Andrew Turner was forced out of office back in April.
The politician had told told school students that homosexuality is “dangerous to society” during a discussion about plans for the island’s first Pride event.