Republican mocks trans people then erases herself from social media

A Republican politician has deleted herself from social media after posting a mocking message about trans people.
State Representative Mary Franson tweeted on Wednesday morning.
She wrote: “A guy who thinks he’s a girl is still a guy with a mental health condition.”
RELATED: History-making transgender politician Danica Roem has an amazing message for Donald Trump
Her message came on the same day that America woke up to see Andrea Jenkins become the first trans woman of colour elected to public office and Danica Roem become the first trans woman elected to state legislature in the US.

(YouTube/Victory Fund)
It also came after another trans candidate was elected to the Minneapolis City Council.
RELATED: People are so excited that the first trans woman of colour has won a US election
Speaking to CityPages, Jenkins said: “Thank you, Representative Franson, for showing all Minnesotans your true bigotry and unapologetic transphobia.
“As a tax-paying citizen, I am extremely disappointed in seeing my public officials displaying such discrimination against and complete disregard for transgender residents of the great state of Minnesota.”
Franson has also been criticised by the Minnesota LGBTQ legislative caucus.

CBS Minnesota reports that Franson deactivated her Facebook page and personal Twitter account.
But people are still taking to social media to tweet and tag her for the vile message.
One Twitter user wrote: “I am embarrassed for your family, what a shame you’ve brought upon them. Your transphobic remarks should cost you your position. No hate monger should be in public office. You, sir, are what is wrong with this country.”
RELATED: Transgender candidate faces vile slurs from her Republican opponent
Another added: “Your disgusting bigotry has no place in Minnesota. Do better or resign.”
“Mary Franson is a vile bigot, and clearly only cares for and represents those who she feels don’t have a “mental problem”. Prepare to be primaried next go, Franson. You disgrace our community and our state government,” said a third.
When she tweeted for Veterans Day to thank “those who have called to serve”, anothr Twitter user asked her: “Does that include transgender soldiers?”