Donald Trump’s top security official ‘said the President has the intelligence of a kindergartner’

A senior aide to President Donald Trump reportedly told a multimillionaire tech leader that his boss was an “idiot” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner.”
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, a three-star general, also told Oracle CEO Safra Catz that Trump was a “dope,” according to BuzzFeed.
The claims come after Secretary of State Rex Tillerson allegedly called Trump a “moron” after a July meeting between the President and his military advisers.

Trump (left) and McMaster (Getty)
Five sources reported that McMaster made the comments during the July dinner at Ristorante Tosca, an Italian eatery in Washington DC.
Four of them said they heard about the general’s outburst directly from Catz, who is worth more than $500 million.
And three of BuzzFeed’s sources said that McMaster went further, tearing into other members of Trump’s administration as well.

He denigrated Tillerson, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, ex-chief strategist Steve Bannon and Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, they said.
Bannon, who served as chair of Trump’s election campaign and worked in the White House until August, allegedly had secret links with figures inside the Family Research Council.
The group is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT hate group.
McMaster allegedly said that Kushner, who registered to vote as a woman in New York, should not be in the White House or involved with national security issues.

One source reported that Catz, who has donated to both the Republicans and Democrats, “said the conversation was so inappropriate that it was jaw-dropping.”
Catz’s company, Oracle, and Trump’s administration have both denied that Catz made the comments about McMaster.
In just 10 months, Trump has removed rights for trans kids, banned trans soldiers from the military and appointed an anti-LGBT Supreme Court justice.

He has endorsed a Republican candidate who wants to make homosexuality illegal, hired an Army Secretary who says trans people are diseased and proposed slashing HIV AIDS funding.
The President has also signed an order permitting anti-LGBT discrimination at work, removed opposition to North Carolina’s anti-trans bathroom bill, addressed a recognised hate group gathering and refused to acknowledge LGBT History Month.
Tillerson released a statement opposing transphobia yesterday, on Transgender Day of Remembrance.

But the words rang hollow, considering that the Trump administration is still working to dismantle equality for transgender people.
Trump’s actions have led Democrats to introduce five articles of impeachment, all revolving around the assertion that Trump is a danger to the US.