This viral tweet perfectly sums up what it’s like to come out to a straight friend

Coming out is hard.
Coming out to a straight, cisgender person is harder – especially when they freak out that you might suddenly be magically attracted to them.
You know the situation.
You’ve finally plucked up the courage to tell your friend that you’re gay.
Nervous, excited but dreading it, you blurt it out, desperately hoping that they’ll be cool with it.
That they won’t throw it back in your face.
And they don’t. Yay!
In fact, they’re totally fine with it – as long as you don’t come on to them.
Because of course, all gay men are attracted to all straight men.
And all lesbians are only friends with straight women in the hope that one day, the relationship will turn sexual.
Really, all non-heterosexual people ever think about is tricking other people into being their friends so they can get them into bed.
Oh, wait, no, that’s a damaging stereotype which is toxic and needs to be wiped out.
But despite this fear being ridiculous and derogatory, it’s also pretty widespread.
And it comes with the kicker that if you make it clear you’re not attracted to them, they often feel offended.
“But you’re attracted to my gender,” they say, explicitly or otherwise.
“How are you not into me?”
And there are no good answers to that.
Kait, an 18-year-old who identifies as bisexual or pansexual, captured the essence of this feeling fantastically, in a tweet that has since gone viral.

It’s attracted 330,000 retweets and likes – more than Donald Trump usually gets.
The tweet reads: “Gay person: I’m gay”.
“Straight person: I don’t care as long as you don’t hit on me lol”.

“Gay person: don’t worry you’re not really my type”.
“Straight person:
“Straight person:
“Straight person: what the f*** did you just say”.
Writing on Curious Cat, Kait said she started her Twitter account “to spread love and create happiness”.

She added that “over this past year I’ve gotten so much support, and it means so much to me”.
Her posts often contain relatable LGBT content, and have attracted a large following.
And it seems deserved.