When will I be able to play Horizon Zero Dawn on Xbox One or PC?

Have you been asking yourself ‘When will I be able to play Horizon Zero Dawn on PC or Xbox One?’
Well you’re not the only one – but the answer probably won’t satisfy you.
The game is not going to either platform and is to remain a PlayStation 4 exclusive.
The company which developed the game, Guerrilla Games, is “wholly owned” by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.
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This means it only really creates exclusive PlayStation games, much like the 343 Industries studio which makes only Xbox games like Halo.
The answer to why this is the case simply comes down to money.
Companies have it in their interest to make platform-exclusive games like Horizon Zero Dawn because it encourages people to buy their consoles.
So the answer in short is – if you want to play Horizon Zero Dawn then you’ll have to do it on a PS4.