New app adds six packs and muscles onto men, internet gets furious

It’s been said that thanks to face-altering apps, fewer people are opting to get plastic surgery to change how they look.
But apps like the Manly App, which allows you to edit photos of yourself to appear – you guessed it, “more manly” – has come under fire for changing user’s appearances in an attempt to make them appear more “attractive”.
Encouraging users to “meet the manly version of yourself,” the programme gives men the option to edit their appearance to make themselves look more masculine.
The smartphone application, which costs £4.99 to download, invites its users to alter their appearance with tattoos, muscle tone, facial hair or contact lenses.
Users can also add some ink of their choice to see how they will look clearer skin.
On the app’s Twitter page, a variety of edited photos have been posted to draw punters in to use the app – eerily including one of a child.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”! —Audrey Hepburn😎😎
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash#Strong #Stronger #motivation
— ManlyApp (@ManlyApp) January 19, 2018
Naturally, people have been a bit freaked out by the app’s results – and are wondering how the face tuner will affect how people see themselves.
This is exactly the kind of social media app that gives anxiety to normal-looking girls and robs them their confidence . Screw the perfect body image! Why can’t one be as one is?— TheEBG (@The_EBG) February 13, 2018
Wtf is wrong with you people? This is just absurdly wrong in so many ways and not helping anyone make a positive difference in this world. Help us take better pictures, but don’t provide tools to increase our insecurities!— Jonas (@aGuyNamedJonas) February 19, 2018
One woman on Twitter noted that the app isn’t just being used to edit the appearances of men – in fact the app advertises its services on the back of chopping and changing the appearance of women.
And while other members of the Twitterarti have vented their frustrations, others… well, you can see for yourself.
It worked— DUST (@dustzero1) January 31, 2018