A guy made a boyfriend out of wine boxes and people are obsessed

A single gay Twitter user has made a boyfriend out of wine boxes and the internet can’t get enough of it.
Twitter user BLCKSMTH from Portland, Oregan, made his boyfriend out of wine boxes and shared photos of them together.
He posted a number of photos with his box boyfriend.
And He wrote: “i do not have a boyfriend so i made one out of boxes of wine”.
Responding to one Twitter follower who asked: “Where are you two registered?” he added that they are “registered at [drinks retailer] BevMo”.
Another follower told BLCKSMTH: “This is the stuff lasting relationships are made out of”.
And he responded: “Thank you, we’re not that into PDA but we took a chance.”
Asked who took the photos of him and his box boyfriend, he responded that it was his cat.
“Plus they’re so sweet on each other! He called Boxy (my nickname, not his) photogenic and it definitely shows,” he adds.
BLCKSMTH added: “Plus they’re so sweet on each other! He called Boxy (my nickname, not his) photogenic and it definitely shows.”
And said: “Thank you so so much! We had fun taking them, he’s so photogenic “.
Other fans called the photos “brilliant”, and were in awe of the beautiful blossoming relationship.
In an earlier tweet, BLCKSMTH wrote: “”Wow this new bathroom light bulb is so bright I can tweeze my ear hairs” he said to his cat, dying alone.
And in another he joked: “gay culture is taking a huge poop and checking out your abs afterwards.”
Boarding a flight, he added: “I can tell this is a flight to Portland because I have never seen a more poorly dressed group of heterosexuals.”
Continuing: “apologies to the two heterosexuals who follow me of course this doesn’t refer to you, you look amazing.”
And earlier added: “I find it homophobic that autocorrect had such a hard time with the very proper noun “RuPaul”. Get it together, Apple.”
For more pearls of wisdom, follow BLCKSMTH here.