James Corden has never had to teach his children about gay relationships

James Corden has said he has never had to teach his children about same-sex relationships – because they have never asked.
The host of The Late Late Show with James Corden has been publicly outspoken about his support for LGBT rights.
Last year, after President Donald Trump announced on Twitter that he wanted to ban transgender people from the military, Corden sang on his show to rebuke the policy.
But the British TV host, who has three children with his wife Julia Carey, said the subject of same-sex couples had not come up with six-year-old Max or three-year-old Carey.
“They haven’t brought it up, but we have lots of gay friends – like our friends Chris and Mark – who have come over a lot and stayed with us,” Corden, 39, told Attitude.

“I think my son has never questioned it as it’s always been there,” he added.
“And if he did, I would know what those answers were, which is that these are simply two men that really love each other in the same way I love mummy and grandma loves grandad and that’s it.”

He said he related to LGBT people, but was aware of his privilege.
“I’ve always looked different, not the societal ideal, but I’ve never felt like an outsider to the extent that my gay friends have felt,” said Corden.
“It would be naive of me to think I have.

“It comes back to the family as that’s where you’re educated; it’s the people around you and the house you grew up in that shapes your views.”
And he said that his upbringing was crucial in shaping his views.
“No-one is born wanting to dislike anyone, and my parents wanted to accept everyone,” he said.

The star angered LGBT campaigners back in 2008 over film ‘Lesbian Vampire Killers’ – which was accused of being demeaning towards lesbians – but he has since championed equality.
He went to LA Pride in 2015, as part of his unsuccessful campaign to become its Grand Marshall.
And he won £16,000 for HIV charity Terrence Higgins Trust while appearing on a celebrity version of ‘Deal or No Deal’ in 2014.
Corden also enjoyed a tender gay moment with a reporter at the 2015 Emmy Awards.