Texas bombing suspect compared ‘unnatural’ homosexuality to paedophilia and bestiality

(Facebook/Danene Conditt)
The man suspected of targeting Austin, Texas with a series of parcel bombs published horrendously homophobic online, it has been revealed.
Mark Anthony Conditt, 23, died earlier today after detonating a device as police officers approached his car just north of Austin.
Two people have died this month from explosions after receiving bombs sent in packages, with another six injured by the blasts.

Conditt graduated from Austin Community College after being homeschooled by his mother, according to the Austin Statesman newspaper.
In a blog seemingly set up for a class about US government, the bombing suspect wrote a post titled: “Why gay marriage should be illegal”.
The blog post was written in response to another student who said that same-sex marriage “shouldn’t be such a big deal.

“I believe that people are people and they can love whoever they want to love,” the student added, before pointing out: “You can’t help who you fall in love with and the government shouldn’t tell them who they can and cannot marry.”
Conditt disagreed, writing that “falling in love is a choice. When you ‘fall in love’ you become infatuated with your significant other, and you will eventually fall out of love.”
He then said that homosexuality was against nature, aligning gay sex with bestiality and paedophilia.

“Homosexuality is not natural,” wrote Conditt. “Just look at the male and female bodies. They are obviously designed to couple. The natural design is apparent.
“It is not natural to couple male with male and female with female,” he continued.
“It would be like trying to fit two screws together and to [sic] nuts together and then say, “See, it’s natural for them to go together.”

Conditt added: “In addition, political protection of a sexual practice is ludicrous. I do not believe it is proper to pass laws stating that homosexuals have ‘rights.’
“What about paedophilia or bestiality? These are sexual practices. Should they also be protected by law?
“If homosexuality is protected by law, why not those as well?”

In his bio for the blog, he wrote: “I view myself as a conservative, but I don’t think I have enough information to defend my stance as well as it should be defended.”
Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who has previously said that passing a bill to stop transgender people using public bathrooms was his top priority, reported that Conditt’s roommates were cooperating with authorities.

“Those two roommates have been talking to law enforcement,” he said, adding that they were not suspected of committing any crimes.
Abbott said that Conditt had not wiped his online footprint, potentially allowing investigators to uncover a “treasure trove of information that should shed light on who he is, what he did, and why he was doing it”.