Far-right YouTuber allegedly banned from UK after handing out ‘racist’ leaflets saying ‘Allah is gay’

(Photo: Laura Southern / Youtube)
A far-right Youtube personality has allegedly been banned from the UK after handing out leaflets saying ‘Allah is gay’ that were deemed offensive and ‘racist’ by several people.
Lauren Southern, a Canadian Youtube personality, was reportedly denied entry into the UK earlier this month from Calais.
In a recent video, Southern claimed that she had been given a lifetime ban from entering the United Kingdom after conducting a social experiment.

(Photo: Laura Southern / Youtube)
In the video, Southern referenced a Vice article that argued that Jesus was gay.
She said: “This highlights a double standard in Western societies, why is it racist to say Allah is gay, but not Jesus is gay?”
After this, Southern then visited the English town of Luton under the guise of “nurturing goodwill between two very different communities.”
Southern then began to hand out a variety of leaflets that she said read: “Allah is gay”, “Allah is trans” and “Allah is intersex”.

(Photo: Laura Southern / Youtube)
The content of the leaflets themselves are not shown on camera, and Southern is quickly stopped by police.
Southern is then asked to surrender the leaflets as they were a risk to public order.
After this video, Southern blamed “blasphemy laws enforced by sharia” for her subsequent alleged ban from re-entering the UK after the incident.
At the time of Southern’s denied entry to the UK, the Home Office told The Mirror that people may be denied entry if it is in the public’s interest.
“Border Force has the power to refuse entry to an individual if it is considered that his or her presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good,” the Home Office spokesperson said.
According to Vice, Southern has previously used her popular YouTube channel and platform to deny the existence of rape culture and staged a fake gender transition.
Southern has also previously been accused of Islamaphobia, particularly after the release of her book where she referred to Muslims as “barbarians.”

(Photo: Laura Southern / Youtube)
Last summer Secularist group the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) caused controversy by marching in London’s Pride event with signs reading ‘Allah is gay’ and ‘F*** Islam’.
Other signs read “Islamophobia is an oxymoron” and “Throw ISIS off the roof”.
Responding to the outrage, Pride in London said they will “will not tolerate any discrimination of any kind”, adding: “We will not tolerate Islamophobia.”
“All volunteers, staff and parade groups agree that Pride celebrates diversity and will not tolerate any discrimination of any kind.
“While our parade has always been a home to protest, which often means conflicting points of view, Pride must always be a movement of acceptance, diversity and unity.
“We will not tolerate Islamophobia.”
Leaders from the East London Mosque accused organisers of igniting hate by allowing the group.