Female genital piercings: Everything you need to know about getting your vagina pierced

Are you considering getting your vagina pierced? For enhanced sexual pleasure? For thrills? Or for aesthetic reasons?

Vulva piercings areĀ pretty mysterious as far as piercings go, because they’re on your privates and you don’t get them out that often. Or maybe you do…

Anyway, we’ve done some research on female genital piercings, to save youĀ theĀ hassle.

Why get a female genital piercing?

Image: Flickr/Graeme Bunton

The reasons for getting a vagina piercing are varied, and unique toĀ eachĀ person. Some get them because they want toĀ feel sexier and more confident,Ā and some for aesthetic reasons ā€“ get some bling on that pudding. Others get them because they work in conservative jobs and want a hidden piercing, and some feel empowered by it.

However, sexual enhancement is the main factor,Ā thanks toĀ the close proximity of these piercings to the highly sensitive, highly brilliant clitoris.

Some women find they can only orgasmĀ once they’ve got a genital piercing, some say that the clitoral hood piercing results in orgasm in more positions, while others experience multiple orgasms.

Body piercer Elayne Angel,Ā a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP) and author of The Piercing Bible told Refinery29:Ā “Genital piercings are special, because there is the potential to affect sexual pleasure.”

How is a female genital piercing done?

Image: Pixnio


The actual piercingĀ only takes a few minutes ā€“ though it comes after a consultation to make sure your vagina will allow for it, and to find out where’s best to pierce, and which jewellery is suitable. Certain piercings are more pleasurableĀ for some people, but uncomfortable and hypersensitive on others. Some don’t have tissue in which to place the piercing,Ā though there are several different placesĀ you can pierce on the vulva.

“Because of variations in anatomy and personal preferences for sexual stimulation, each piercee must be evaluated (and even counseled) on an individual basis before deciding on a genital piercing,” writes Elayne AngelĀ of Piercing Bible.

The piercer will first clean the skin around the area with an antiseptic, before marking the location. They then use a needle with a piece of jewellery attached and pass it through the skin.

Whereabouts shall I get my vagina pierced?

Image: Pixabay

As you’ll know, there’s lots of different bits of vagina down there.

The most common piercings for womenĀ are:

  • Vertical clitoral hood (VCH) ā€“Ā placed in the same direction that womenā€™s genitals are formed.
  • Horizontal clitoral hood (HCH) ā€“ same as above, but placed horizontally on the hood.
  • Triangle piercing ā€“ a horizontal piercing just underneath the shaft of the clitoris, at the base of the hood.Ā 
  • Inner labia ā€“ located on the delicate, hairless folds ofĀ skin situated between the outer labia
  • Outer labia ā€“ located on the sides of the vulva in the thick, fleshy folds of tissue.
  • Fourchette ā€“ located in the perineum.
  • Princess Diana ā€“ same as VCH but located off to the side(s) of the clitoral hood.
  • Christina ā€“ placed vertically at the top of the cleft of Venus.
  • Princess Albertina ā€“ a piercing of the female urethra.

Can I get the actual clitoris pierced?

AĀ clitorisĀ piercing,Ā akaĀ clitoral glansĀ piercing or clit piercing, isĀ rare. Unlike VCH and HCH piercings, the actual clitoris piercing is very risky and can result in the loss of clitoral sensation and clitoral sexual pleasure.

According to Elayne Angel of the Piercing Bible website, approximately 90 to 95 percent of women cannot accommodate a piercing through the clitoral head.

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Anne Henderson, fromĀ Doctify,Ā said:Ā Clitoral hood piercings are the most common intimate piercing as actual clitoral glans piercings are very rarely undertaken due to the intense nerve supply to the clitoris itself, which can be overstimulated by wearing jewellery. There’s also the risk that the nerve supply to the clitoris is damaged by the piercing, which could detract from sexual function and enjoyment, and may be permanent.”

Do vagina piercings hurt?

Credit: Universal Pictures

As piercers are not allowed (by law) to use anaesthetics due to potential swelling, there may be some pain. Though it doesn’t takeĀ long, it will involve the skin being pierced, obviously. Everyone’s pain threshold is different, soĀ you won’t know until you give it a go.

How long will my piercing take to heal?

Piercers say the healing process is around four to eight weeks, though different areas and different people healĀ atĀ varying paces.

What is the best aftercare for my piercing?

Always ask your piercer about aftercare, but here are some general tips…

  • Rinse with soap and water when you shower.
  • Use a saline solution if advised by your piercer.
  • Always wash your hands before touching or cleaning the genital area.
  • Clean the area before peeing if the piercing is near the urethra.
  • Don’t use hot tubs or go swimming until it’s healed.
  • Don’t touch or let others touch the piercing while it’s healing.

CanĀ I have sex after getting my vagina pierced?


Image: TriStar Pictures

You can have sex, if you must, but use a condom or dental dam in order to avoid bodily fluids coming into contact with your piercing until it’s healed.

If it’s sore, then stop whatever sexual activity you’re engaging in, or don’t bang so hard. And remember, sexually transmitted infections can be spread through a person’s blood, so an open cut on your genitals from a healing piercing could increase your risk of getting or giving an STI.

Again, it’s best to ask your piercer for their professional opinion.

Are there any health concerns or risks?

Image: NBC

Yes, due to the sensitive nature of the area you’re piercing. The most common complications associated with genital piercings include bacterial infection, bleeding, nerve damage, allergic reaction to jewellery, and scarring.

Other risks includeĀ hepatitis B and C, STDs, tetanus, and even HIV/AIDS.

Dr Anne HendersonĀ said:Ā “Women should not forget that this is an invasive procedure which can carry some health risks and should always be undertaken by an experienced and qualified practitioner, after informed discussion.”

If you’re concerned about your health after having a female genital piercing, be smart ā€“ go and see your doctor.