Jackie Chan’s daughter horrifically abused after pleading for help

(E. Zhoulin/youtube)
Jackie Chan’s daughter Etta Ng and her girlfriend’s desperate pleas for help have been met with abuse and horrible accusations.
The couple posted a YouTube video on April 24 in which they appealed for help, telling viewers that they had nowhere to live.

(E. Zhoulin/youtube)
Sitting alongside her girlfriend Andi Autumn, 30, Ng said: “We’ve been homeless for a month, due to homophobic parents.
“We’ve pretty much slept under a bridge and other things.
“I don’t even understand what is going on because we’ve gone to the police, we’ve gone to the hospital, the food banks, LGBTQ community shelters, and all of them just don’t give a s**t,” Ng continued, reading from a sheet of paper.

(E. Zhoulin/youtube)
Ng added: “So that’s why we’re making this video, because we don’t know what to do at this point.”
The video has now been viewed more than 134,000 times.
Ng, 18, came out last year, posting a photo on Instagram of her in front of a rainbow coloured background, with the caption: “In case no one got the memo, I’m gay.”
The revelation was followed by the hashtags #lgbtqai, #lgbt, #lesbian, and #androgynous.
When Chan was asked about his daughter coming out as a lesbian, the martial arts star simply said: “If she likes it, that’s fine.”

(Gareth Cattermole/Getty)
But despite Ng’s despairing pleas, viewers responded in a less than charitable fashion.
One commented: “I think the underlying issue is not the sexuality, but meth.”
This was a common refrain, with one person saying: “Meth heads!” and another user writing: “So how many drugs are they hooked on?”

Yet another person said: “They look like drug addicts.”
One person wrote: “We don’t know what’s going on too! Two adults can’t even support themselves? Andi is 30 and she made this 18 yr old kid followed her all the way to Canada.

“If your friends and family all kicked u out then obviously u have a problem! Go get a job!”
Autumn faced many accusations that she was taking advantage of Ng, with one user saying: “Seriously, after watching this video, I really do not see the point about posing as Jackie Chan’s daughter.

“It is obvious Andi is preying on Etta. Etta, if you have PTSD, break up with this woman and go back to Hong Kong. Seek medical advice.
“Begging on the internet when obviously you don’t understand what is the meaning ‘homeless’. You are healthy adults and you can seek jobs. This is an abuse of people who will help you.
“You guys being ‘lesbians’ does not mean a free pass to ask people to help,” they added.

(E. Zhoulin/youtube)
“How about the people with cancer and more major problems????? They need help more than you two.”
Another referred to Ng’s mother, former Miss Asia winner Elaine Ng, who said the video was “wrong,” and that “if they have no money, they should go find work.”
The user said: “Jackie chan comes from a low background. He work hard. He chased his dream. but etta i think u chased ur dad’s money. Elaine ng is right.. u guys need to work.”

They continued with a conspiracy theory, writing: “i meant wat kind of help do u guys need.. i have gay friends and they live with dignity by NOT RELYING ON ANYONE… 1:00 look ridiculous.
“Its like her girlfriend andi autumn is teaching her to do the video thing. Like etta is body language her ok im finish.. hmmm.

(E. Zhoulin/youtube)
“Watever it is etta… ur girlfren doesnt sound or look genuine. Get a life dear.”
Sympathy was in short supply, with another person writing: “go make a post on tumblr and beg for donations, im sure you can find some gullible people thatll drop a couple thousand at least in your paypal accounts, you got the sobstory, the anti-lgbt family, the estranged famous dad, go for it lool.”

The couple was accused of laziness by more than one person, with one user saying: “You guys aren’t homeless because you parents are homophobic… You’re homeless because you’re entitled and lazy.

“Don’t mean to be harsh… But y’all need some tough love. Both of you are able bodied…go get a job …sleep at different locations until you’ve both saved up enough money to play house… Like the rest of the world.”
Another commenter just wrote: “C**ts.”

When Ng’s mother was asked if she had been in touch with Etta, she responded: “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Watch Ng and Autumn’s video here: