Munroe Bergdorf speaks out for black trans women: ‘Statistically I only have four years left to live’

Munroe Bergdorf was dropped by the NSPCC. (Getty)
Model Munroe Bergdorf has posted a message on Twitter, calling for women-only spaces for trans women – and highlighting the low life expectancy for trans women of colour.
The 30-year-old model and activist took to Twitter to post an image of an activist holding a placard, with the statement: “The average life expectancy for trans women of color is 35 years.”
Bergdorf wrote above the image: “I’m often asked why I’m so vocal about issues that affect black trans women and people of colour in a wider sense. This is is why… Statistically I only have four years left to live.
She added: “This is why trans women need access to women only spaces.”
In a later tweet in the same thread, Bergdorf added: “This is why TERF culture and toxic masculinity needs stamping out. This is why we can not afford for society and the media to be indifferent when it comes to transphobia.”

A 2014 report by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights found that the average life expectancy of trans women in the USA is between 30 and 35
Bergdorf also tweeted about an incident in which she had to stop a shoot in New York due to transphobic abuse.
She wrote: “Had to abandon a shoot today in Times Square after a group of guys started catcalling me, then one clocked I was trans which sparked them all beginning to shout ‘yo that’s a nigga,’ ‘that’s a dude.'”
Bergdorf added: “I am sick of living in a world in which cis men continually objectify, other or abuse trans women depending on whether they want to fuck us, ostracize us or impose violence on us. Or all of the above.
“Allow us to exist. Allow us to do our jobs. Or leave us alone.”

Bergdorf claimed West’s recent comments about slavery, which he said “sounds like a choice,” and President Donald Trump being his “boy,” weren’t judged as harshly as similar statements by prominent women of colour.
Bergdorf wrote on Twitter: “So we cancel Azealia Banks, Omorosa, Stacey Dash, Chrisette Michelle [sic] for their entire careers for supporting Trump.
“But Kanye gets put on the naughty step for a relative 5 minutes for stating ON VIDEO that ‘slavery sounds like a choice’ and that Trump is his ‘boy.'”
Bergdorf has proved a controversial figure in the trans community in recent months.
Last month she sat on a panel – including Germaine Greer, who has previously made crude comments about trans women – at Channel 4’s Genderquake debate. The debate was fiercely criticised by many trans rights campaigners.
In March, Bergdorf resigned from her post as the LGBT advisor to the Labour Party after a week in the position.
The model faced calls to step down from the position from Conservative MPs, including out gay Tory MP Nigel Evans, after a string of historic tweets were uncovered in which she used the words “poof” and “dyke,” and made fun of a “hairy lesbian” friend’s “barren womb.”