Neil Patrick Harris apologises to Rachel Bloom after mocking her Tonys performance

Neil Patrick Harris is Tel Aviv Pride’s International Ambassador
How I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris has said sorry to Rachel Bloom, after he made fun of her performance during the Tony Awards.
Bloom, who stars in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, was serving as backstage host at Sunday’s ceremony, when Harris saw her on screen and tweeted: “Who is the woman in the top hat backstage at @TheTonyAwards. Gideon remarked that she says ‘like’ and ‘oh my god’ a lot. I’m confused…”
In response, Bloom fired back: “I’m a big fan of yours. We’ve met numerous times and my husband, Dan Gregor, wrote for How I Met Your Mother for 5 years.
“Notably, he wrote the episode where your character finally meets his father.”

Harris mocked Bloom on Twitter. (ActuallyNPH/Twitter)
She also spoke to GQ about Harris’ tweet, saying it had offended her.
“I was kind of devastated,” she said. “I was actually going to tweet, ‘This makes me sad.’ But then I was like, ‘Ehhhhhhhhhh… I don’t want to give him that, necessarily.’ Look. I’ve met him a couple times.
“Very recently, backstage in the dressing room of a Broadway show. And we hung out for a solid 15 minutes with the star of this Broadway show. It was just bizarre to me that it wouldn’t ring a bell. And also, that he wouldn’t Google it.”
Harris has now posted on Twitter, apologising for his previous remarks.
“Sincere apologies to @Racheldoesstuff for my Tony tweet. I failed to research her before pressing ‘send’, and what I thought was a funny comment in our living room must have been far from funny to read, backstage, mid show.
“As a performer and a parent, I should have know better.”

Harris later apologised to Harris over his comments. (ActuallyNPH/Twitter)
Bloom has accepted Harris’ apology, writing on Twitter: “Hi, thank you for this! Apology accepted.”
In March, Harris, alongside other celebrities, bought out their local screenings of Love, Simon so that members of the public could go for free.
Harris said that when he and his husband David Burtka went to see the film and that it had a huge effect on the couple.
“I saw the movie Love, Simon last night and was utterly enchanted, moved to tears, and deeply proud of everyone who helped create it,” he wrote on Instagram.
“How I wish something this brave, powerful, and confident existed when I was struggling with my identity – but how super awesome that a new generation will get to lead by this example.”