McDonald’s throws shade at anti-gay Chick-fil-A

A McDonald’s branch in Glastonbury, Connecticut, has changed the message on its entrance sign to “we welcome everyone,” in a pointed jibe at a Chick-fil-A joint, which is soon set to open next door.
Speaking to LGBTQ Nation, the manager of the McDonald’s joint told LGBTQ Nation that the new message on the sign “just means that everyone is welcome, young old, everyone.”
The Chick-fil-A outlet is set to open this week.
Owner of the Chick-fil-A Glastonbury branch Jordan Snook told LGBTQ nation that he is not sure what the McDonald’s sign refers to, but added that he wanted to oversee “an environment of hospitality.”
He added:”We are excited to open in Glastonbury next week, and look forward to being great neighbours who welcome everyone.”

McDonald’s has previously shown its support for the LGBT+ community, and has made special edition rainbow boxes of fries to mark Pride month for the last couple of years. (McDonald’s)
Tina Manus, a customer at the Glastonbury McDonald’s told NBC’s local affiliate: “For McDonald’s to step up and say we welcome everyone. I feel that is a huge step for them. Then in the background you have Chick-fil-A who has historically not welcomed everyone.”
In 2012, it emerged that Chick-fil-A had donated millions of dollars to anti-gay groups, including the Family Research Council, ‘gay cure’ group Exodus International and Focus on the Family.
CEO Dan Cathy later confirmed the company was opposed to marriage equality and “guilty as charged” for backing “the biblical definition of a family.”
Cathy told Baptist Press at the time: “We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”

Chick-fil-A has donated millions of dollars to anti-gay causes. (Getty)
In June, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, came under fire for supporting fast food chain Chick-fil-A.
Dorsey had tweeted a payment that hemade to the restaurant using Square, a mobile payment service he owns.
In April last year, students at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh protested the arrival of a Chick-fil-A branch on campus.
Student senator Niko Martini told The Duquesne Duke: “Chick-fil-A has a questionable history on civil rights and human rights.”
“I think it’s imperative [that] the university chooses to do business with organisations that coincide with the [university’s] mission and expectations they give students regarding diversity and inclusion.”