Nigerian matchmaker lists ‘signs your boyfriend is secretly gay’

Eresh listed 14 increasingly strange signs to look out for (Pexels and gooderesh/instagram)
A Nigerian matchmaker has listed 14 signs that your male partner might be secretly gay.
Good Eresh, who describes himself as “Africa’s first certified matchmaker,” revealed the ridiculous checklist through his social media accounts.
The list, which includes having “more male friends on social media than women,” is reminiscent of when Malaysian newspaper Sinar Harian published guidance on “how to spot a gay” in February.

Eresh calls himself “Africa’s first certified matchmaker” (good eresh/facebook)
The paper warned that a love of beards, branded clothing and the gym were giveaways, but Eresh has gone down a different road.
The matchmaker, whose Facebook page labels him “a young entrepreneur and a former fashion designer,” runs through a bizarre group of signs, including enjoying penetration or hugs with men and being “too damn faithful.”
Under the heading “SIGNS YOUR BOYFRIEND IS SECRETLY GAY,” he warns that your partner might be gay if he “constantly stares at guys.”

The matchmaker stresses that “if he doesn’t check other women out he is completely gay” (gooderesh/instagram)
From there, the list gets more and more bizarre. “He could be gay if he criticises gay people too much,” Eresh writes.
“He could be gay if he appears to be too damn faithful. He could be swinging if you have no issues with him concerning other women.”
Skipping straight from reason four to six, Eresh says a woman needs to keep a look-out in case their partner “keeps more male friends on social media than women.”
Again, he stresses that “if he doesn’t check other women out he is completely gay.”
The matchmaker also emphasises – twice – that if your male partner doesn’t want to have sex with you, “he could be seeing guys.”
On the other hand, Eresh warns his more than 13,000 followers on Instagram that you should also suspect your partner of being gay if he exhibits certain sexual preferences.
“When he suggests you both invite a guy to bed so the both of them can satisfy you, sister run,” he says, adding that if “he wants you to insert your finger down there,” that’s another sign.
For the record, enjoying anal penetration is not limited to gay men.

Eresh has more than 13,000 followers on Instagram (gooderesh/instagram)
Eresh dips into stereotypes, writing to watch out if “he cares too much about how he looks, like female friends you have. There is something about it when he starts to care about his physical appearance.”
He continues: “If he praises a particular male friend of his than you the one that claims to hold his heart, trust me that guy could be his gay partner.”
Does your boyfriend enjoy hugging other men? He could be gay, according to Eresh.
And does he like think that other people’s sexualities are “an interesting topic”? The matchmaker definitely thinks that makes someone gay.

Apparently you should worry if he cares about his appearance (Pexels)
None of Eresh’s signs, of course, acknowledge that your partner could identify as anything other than straight or gay, or that he could be both sexually attracted to men and happy in a heterosexual relationship.
In Nigeria, people convicted of having gay sex can spend up to 14 years in prison – apart from in 12 northern states which have Sharia law, where they are stoned to death.
Earlier this week, six men in the south of the country were arrested and paraded in public because police suspected them of being gay.
Last year, 42 men were arrested at a hotel in Lagos state and charged with performing “homosexual acts.”