Labour activist Linda Bellos faces private prosecution over threat to ‘thump’ transgender women
A radical feminist Labour activist who has ties to Jeremy Corbyn is facing a private prosecution over a threat to ‘thump’ transgender women.
Bellos was reported to police over the alleged threat, which was made on camera at a ‘We Need To Talk About The GRA’ [Gender Recognition Act] event in York  on November 8 last year.
The activist, who is the former leader of Lambeth Borough Council and a vocal opponent of transgender reforms, is alleged to have said at the event: “Having born two children I think I’m physiologically, and in many other senses, a female and a woman.
“But I play football and I box, and if any one of those bastards comes near me I will take off my glasses and thump them… I am quite prepared to threaten violence because it seems to me politically what they are seeking to do is piss on women.”
Bellos claims she was speaking hypothetically about “self-defence” and referenced a real-life scuffle in Hyde Park between transgender campaigners and anti-trans activists, though that context was not made clear in her comments.
The remarks were streamed live online by radical feminist campaigner ‘Dr Radfem,’ real name Venice Allan, and ignited anger from transgender activists who accused Bellos of threatening violence.
Police confirmed to PinkNews that Bellos was interviewed under caution over the remarks, but no charges were ever filed. Bellos is now facing a private prosecution over the comments.
Trans rights campaigner Giuliana Kendal says she is bringing a private prosecution against Bellos.
Bellos accused of breaking Section 5 of the Public Order Act, which bans “threatening or abusive words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour” that is likely to cause “harassment, alarm or distress.”
The self-identified radical feminist told the Daily Mail: “This is an attempt to silence women and it is outrageous. Freedom of speech continues to be a hallmark of our most fundamental rights and I seek to uphold it.
“I’m a disabled pensioner with no funds to defend myself since my partner died of cancer, being intimidated by men purporting to be women.”
Bellos was recently among campaigners granted a meeting with Labour’s shadow equalities minister Dawn Butler to address concerns about the party’s pro-transgender stance.
The activist previously claimed that the government’s proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act would “make women’s spaces vulnerable to Trans with beards and balls.”
Bellos was previously linked to radical feminist sects in the 1970-80s.
Earlier this year, when asked on Twitter about the sect’s alleged firebomb attacks on sex shops, Bellos responded: “Well, we did to [sic] impact assessments to ensure that no lives were lost or people hurt but no doubt that does not matter.”