Television reporter Luis Sandoval comes out as gay during live broadcast

One ofĀ Univision’s television reporters came out during a live broadcast after saying how Jamel Myles’ suicide had affected him.

Television presenterĀ Luis Sandoval made the decision to come out as gay whilst appearing on Univision’s morning television show Despierta America.

The reporter made the announcement during the October 11 broadcast after presenting a segment aboutĀ National Coming Out Day.

Sandoval told viewers that he is happy being gay, and was reported by El Diario as saying: “I am a full person, a respected person. I do not live in the closet, my family knows it.” While fighting back tears, he added that “I have a partner that I am happy with and if I cry it is because this moment is very emotional for me.”

The reporter told his followers he was “super grateful and proud of this moment.” (Luis Sandoval (@luissandovaltv/Instagram)

The 34-year-old Mexican reporter, who resides in Los Angeles, said he felt the need to come out after being saddened by the story of nine-year-old Jamel Myles who committed suicide in August.

Discussing how the public response to Myles’ mother had affected him, he said: “Imagine a mother’s pain, losing your nine-year-old son and then I started to see people criticizing the lady, ‘this is your fault, you exposed your son to these things, you deserve it.'”

Talking with co-hosts Karla Martinez and Ismael Cala, SandovalĀ said his mother Leonila Vallejo had beenĀ an inspiration to himĀ and that her support helped him come to terms with his sexuality. Having previously told her about the decision to come out on live TV, he said that she was behind him all the way.

Martinez and Cala both surprised Sandoval by then bringing Vallejo out on stage to publically show her support for him.

(Luis Sandoval (@luissandovaltv/Instagram)

Sandoval said he hoped that his story would be anĀ inspiration to others andĀ help future generations in their own coming out. He told the hosts: “I felt that I needed to come to talk with more people who feel trapped, who do not know what is happening to them.”

Since appearing on the daytime television show, Sandoval posted on Instagram to share his appreciation for the public support. He said: “THANK YOU!Ā Thanks to each and every one of you who have been supporting me,” and that “the last 24 hours of my life have been spectacular.”