Oscars host Kevin Hart called gay people ‘fags’ and mocked lesbians

Comedian Kevin Hart (Paras Griffin/Getty)
Comedian Kevin Hart is facing widespread backlash after historic homophobic tweets—calling gay people “fags” and mocking lesbians—were unearthed following an announcement that he will host the 2019 Oscars.
Hart announced on Instagram that he would host the awards ceremony in February, describing the job as the “opportunity of a lifetime for me as a comedian.”
“I just saw a lesbian walk out of the mens bathroom! Wtf was she doing? R they pissing in urinals now?”
—Kevin Hart
But social media users were quick to circulate a series of homophobic tweets posted by Hart between 2009 and 2012.

Kevin Hart repeatedly called gay people “fags” on Twitter. (KevinHart4real/Twitter)
Kevin Hart posts series of homophobic tweets
“I just saw a lesbian walk out of the mens bathroom! Wtf was she doing? R they pissing in urinals now?,” he wrote in one August 2009 tweet.
One September 2009 post read: “How can u tell if ur pittbull is gay? My dog just farted and it sounded like he whistled!!!!!”
In another, he vented: “I just saw the biggest gay guy ever! This nigga looked like hulf hogan with heels on! I can’t lie I got scared!!!!!!”

Kevin Hart openly mocked lesbians on Twitter. (KevinHart4real/Twitter)
And, in one August 2009 comment, he wrote: “lmao, that’s why u sweat 4 know reason u fat faced fag.”
Kevin Hart repeatedly uses “gay” as an insult
Hart appeared to respond to the social media criticism, writing on Twitter on Thursday (December 6): “I was asked the most amazing question from my kids today on the phone….they said ‘Dad why don’t you get mad when people talk about you on the internet’ …my answer was ‘I never see that stuff because I’m to busy being happy & loving you 2.'”
“How can u tell if ur pittbull is gay? My dog just farted and it sounded like he whistled!!!!!”
—Kevin Hart
He did not apologise for his past homophobic comments.

Kevin Hart used “gay” as an insult on Twitter. (KevinHart4real/Twitter)
Hart has previously come under fire for anti-gay comments he made during his 2010 Seriously tour.
“One of my biggest fears is my son growing up and being gay. That’s a fear,” he said at the time.
“Keep in mind, I’m not homophobic. . . . Be happy. Do what you want to do. But me, as a heterosexual male, if I can prevent my son from being gay, I will.”
He went on to defend his joke in an interview with Rolling Stone.
“It’s about my fear,” he said.
“I’m thinking about what I did as a dad, did I do something wrong, and if I did, what was it? Not that I’m not gonna love my son or think about him any differently.
“The funny thing within that joke is it’s me getting mad at my son because of my own insecurities — I panicked. It has nothing to do with him, it’s about me.”