UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin used anti-gay slurs in past videos

Carl Benjamin (Leon Neal/Getty)
UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin, who is set to run in the European elections, has a long history of using anti-gay and racial slurs.
Benjamin—who is also known as Sargon of Akkad and is a YouTuber—was found to have a lengthy history of using slurs in a Buzzfeed News investigation.
According to the news outlet, Benjamin said in one video that the alt-right were “fa****ts” and said they were “acting like “n*****s.”
UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin once said he doesn’t ‘give a s**t’ about the Holocaust
In February 2018, Benjamin took part in a Google Hangout with a far-right YouTuber called Michelle Catlin. He used the n-word against her repeatedly.
He also reacted angrily at being portrayed as an “upper-class twat” and said: “You carry on, but don’t expect that I have to debate with one of you fa***ts. Why would I bother?”
He continued: “‘You act like an upper class twat’? Maybe you’re just acting like a n****r, mate. Have you considered that?”
“Oh f**k off you f**, that’s not racial discrimination, that’s not even sexual discrimination, that’s just you being a f***ing f**.”
– UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin
He also has made a number of anti-Jewish comments and once said: “I’m sorry about the Holocaust but I don’t give a s**t. I’m sorry.”
In a video which is available through which Benjamin posted in 2015, he narrated an educational video in which people from minority backgrounds listed slurs and asked people not to use them.
In his narration, Benjamin paused the video after each person asked not to be called a slur, and then used the slur.

Carl Benjamin (Leon Neal/Getty)
‘I’m not apologising’
At one point, a gay person comes on screen and says “[It’s not OK] to call me a fag.”
“Oh f**k off you f**, that’s not racial discrimination, that’s not even sexual discrimination, that’s just you being a f***ing f**,” he said. “I don’t even know that you’re gay, you might not be gay, but you’re still a f**. Shut up, f**k off.”
Last week, Benjamin appeared at an event alongside UKIP leader Gerard Batten where the party launched its European election campaign.
However, the launch quickly descended into chaos when journalists questioned Benjamin about a tweet he sent to Labour MP Jess Phillips in 2016 in which he said: “I wouldn’t even rape you, @jessphillips. #AntiRapeThreats #FeminismIsCancer.”
When confronted by journalists about the tweet, Benjamin replied: “I’m not answering your questions, I’m not apologising for anything, you dirty, dirty smear merchants.”
When pressed, he said: “I think we should treat women the same as men.”
He said he was standing for Ukip so he could campaign for free speech, and said he refused to apolgise for his “crimes against political correctness.”
When contacted by Buzzfeed for comment, Benjamin replied: “BREAKING NEWS: Anti-political correctness entertainer has used naughty words for fun. Subscribe to Buzzfeed for more hard-hitting and worthwhile political activism.
“I expect my statement to be printed in full, have a great day.”