Batwoman trailer shows superhero in lesbian relationship

Ruby Rose as Batwoman
The CW has unveiled the first trailer for its new Batwoman series, which will feature Ruby Rose as the titular lesbian superhero.
The trailer—which was debuted at The CW’s upfronts today—follows Kate Kane, cousin to Bruce Wayne, as she begins her journey to becoming Batwoman.
The story will follow Kane as she is sent away from Gotham City by her father, Jacob Kane. When she returns, she discovers that her girlfriend Sophie Moore has been captured by a gang.
Kane must then take up where her cousin Bruce left off.
Batwoman will delve into the character’s lesbian relationship
In the trailer, Kane asks for Bruce Wayne’s suit to be adjusted to fit a woman instead. Her father later declares that she is a female Bruce Wayne, to which she responds: “Awesome. Hilarious. Handsome.”
The trailer suggests that fans will see a lot more of Batwoman’s lesbian relationship when the show airs. The network announced today that Batwoman will air on Sundays in the fall directly before Supergirl.
Later in the trailer, Kane declares: “I’m not about to let a man take credit for a woman’s work,” before altering her suit to make it clear that she is not Batman.
The CW originally ordered a pilot of Ruby Rose’s Batwoman in January, and earlier this month ordered a full series.
“I’m not about to let a man take credit for a woman’s work.”
– Kate Kane in the Batwoman trailer
A teaser posted on Twitter on May 7 simply said: “Coming soon.”
Batwoman will be the first openly LGBT+ live-action superhero to lead its own show. Australian actress Ruby Rose made a successful debut as Kate Kane in December’s CW “Elseworlds” crossover event.
Fans are going wild for the first Batwoman trailer
Fans have been reacting with excitement online. One shared the trailer and said: “Dawg f**k the bulls**t, dis new #Batwoman series looks lit.”
Another said: “Say what you want about the Batwoman series but the lead superhero is an out lesbian and that’s fantastic.”
Somebody else added: “Living for lesbian Batwoman.”
Last year, when Rose was announced as the new Kate Kane, she experienced online backlash and ultimately deleted her Twitter account.
Ruby Rose: ‘I just wish women and the LGBT community supported each other more’
Responding to the backlash, Rose wrote: “I wish we would all support each other and our journeys.
“When women and when minorities join forces we are unstoppable.. when we tear each other down it’s much more hurtful than from any group. But hey I love a challenge x”
She added: “I just wish women and the LGBT community supported each other more. (…) My wish was we were all a little kinder and more supportive of each other.”
“Sending everyone my love and gratitude, it’s been a rollercoaster of a year, this month especially.
“I am looking forward to getting more than 4 hours of sleep and to break from Twitter to focus all my energy on my next 2 projects.”