NFL quarterback Drew Brees starred in a video for a group whose founder called school shootings God’s “judgement” on same-sex marriages.
The New Orleans Saints player encourages children to “share God’s love with friends” in a 22-second clip for Bring Your Bible to School Day.
The event calls on children to “celebrate religious freedom” by expressing their faith at school.
It is sponsored by the Evangelical Christian group Focus on the Family, which staunchly opposes all LGBT+ rights.
The group’s founder James Dobson once said that a 2012 school shooting which left 26 people dead, including 20 children between six and seven years old, happened because God had passed “judgement” on same-sex marriage and abortion.
“Our country really does seem in complete disarray,” he said on a local radio show, according to LGBTQ Nation.
“I’m not talking politically, I mean millions of people have decided that God doesn’t exist, or he’s irrelevant to me, and we have killed 54million babies and the institution of marriage is right on the verge of a complete redefinition. Believe me, that is going to have consequences too.
“I think we have turned our back on the scripture and on God Almighty and I think he has allowed judgment to fall upon us.”
Focus on the Family suggests violence against trans people.
The Colorado-based organisation is a fierce opponent of marriage equality, and has previously misquoted federal studies during Senate hearings to make it appear that children raised by mixed-gender couples are happier and healthier than those raised by same-sex families.
Focus on the Family also lobbies against bans on so-called conversion therapy and vehemently opposes transgender rights. In 2016, Dobson wrote a bizarre and dangerous op-ed suggesting that cis men should shoot trans women who use women’s bathrooms.
The Bring Your Bible to School Day website also reveals links to the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a legal organisation designated by the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) as a hate group.
ADF has actively supported the re-criminalisation of homosexuality, defended state-sponsored sterilisation of trans people overseas and compared homosexuality to paedophilia, SPLC said.
It isn’t clear whether Drew Brees was aware of Bring Your Bible to School Day’s links to Focus on the Family and ADF.
PinkNews has contacted Brees’ representatives for comment.