Almost all LGBT politicians are backing Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump

Nancy Pelosi delivers a speech concerning a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
Nancy Pelosi shattered the White House overnight when she launched an impeachment inquiry of US president Donald Trump, and it’s received the backing of almost every standing LGBT+ lawmaker.
The House Speaker charged Trump with betraying his oath of office and the nation’s security after details emerged that he attempted to pressure the president of Ukraine to investigate current presidential candidate Joseph Biden’s family.
As a result, Pelosi’s declaration set the stage for a history-making battle between a bitter Democrat-led House and a resistant president.
Pelosi’s move to push forward with the most severe action that Congress can take against a sitting president has been supported by nearly all out LGBT+ House members.
Only Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema has not. She became the first openly bisexual senator when elected to office this year.
When asked following Pelosi’s move where she stands, Sinema did not explicitly provide an answer, according to the AZ Central.
While Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin – the first openly lesbian senator – welcomed the news on a statement on Twitter.
— Sen. Tammy Baldwin (@SenatorBaldwin) September 24, 2019
All eight openly queer representatives have backed Pelosi’s inquiry.
They include New York rep Sean Maloney:
Unless the president can dispel these allegations, we must pursue impeachment. He’s left us with no choice – we can’t allow him to ride roughshod over the Constitution.— Sean Patrick Maloney (@RepSeanMaloney) September 24, 2019
Rhode Island rep, David Cicilline:
So even a “transcript” produced by this White House says Trump asked Ukraine to smear Joe Biden?
Ok. It’s time to impeach.— David Cicilline (@davidcicilline) September 25, 2019
California rep, Mark Takano:
Today, I am announcing my support for formally launching impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump. I cannot ignore the call to defend our institutions, to safeguard our democratic norms, and to stand up for our democracy. Watch my full statement:— Mark Takano (@RepMarkTakano) August 22, 2019
Wisconsin rep, Mark Pocan:
Outrageous. It’s way past impeachment time.
— Mark Pocan (@MarkPocan) September 21, 2019
Minnesota rep, Angie Craig:
My statement on the investigations into corruption below ⬇️— Angie Craig (@RepAngieCraig) September 23, 2019
Kansas rep, Sharice Davids:
I have long said that I trust my colleagues on the relevant House Committees as they conduct oversight and continue their investigations into the President, and I support this process continuing unimpeded. We must proceed down a path of finding the truth, regardless of politics.— Rep. Sharice Davids (@RepDavids) September 24, 2019
California rep, Katie Hill:
I strongly support the House of Representatives moving forward with impeachment proceedings –– it is what the Constitution, my constituents, and my conscience demands.
My full statement ⬇️— Rep. Katie Hill (@RepKatieHill) September 24, 2019
While New Hampshire rep Chris Pappas told the Associated Press he supports impeachment proceedings, too.
The eight join the estimated 206 House Democrats that support an impeachment inquiry, according to The New York Times.
Moreover, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg said of impeachment: “Sooner or later it had to come.”
This is a moment of truth. This isn’t just about this president. This is about the American presidency—and we need to draw the line.— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) September 25, 2019
Why are lawmakers calling for impeachment?
In the past, some Democrats have been reticent over making the jump to impeach the president.
But as Pelosi told her caucus and then the country, the new revelations over Ukraine had left the house no choice.
The allegations is that Trump pressured Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to open a corruption investigation into Biden and his son.
A whistle-blower revealed this, and claimed that the Trump administration stonewalled this from Congress.

A memorandum was released today of the telephone conversation between US president Donald Trump and Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (White House)
A reconstruction was released today of the telephone conversation. Built from various accounts from military officials, it showed Trump urging the president to coordinate with the US attorney general to open the inquiry.