Archbishop receives standing ovation for telling supporters of same-sex marriage to ‘leave’ church

Archbishop Glenn Davies (
An archbishop in Australia received a standing ovation after he asked same-sex marriage supporters to “leave us” in a speech last week.
Archbishop Glenn Davies made the comments during his annual address to the Anglican Church’s Sydney synod, The Guardian reports.
“My own view is that if people wish to change the doctrine of our church, they should start a new church or join a church more aligned to their views,” Davies said.
“But do not ruin the Anglican Church by abandoning the plain teaching of scripture.”
Two diocese in Australia recently voted to allow blessings for same-sex couples.
Davies’s media manager Russell Powell said that he received a standing ovation for his words – but there was also reportedly discomfort in the room with his tone.
The archbishop’s comments come after the dioceses of Wangaratta in Victoria and Newcastle in New South Wales moved to bless same-sex marriages recently.
There are significant divisions within the Anglican church in Australia, with some supporting blessings, and others supporting same-sex marriage.
However, many within the church continue to maintain strong views against both.
If people wish to change the doctrine of our church, they should start a new church or join a church more aligned to their views.
Four days after making his speech, Davies wrote an op-ed for The Sydney Morning Herald in which he clarified that his comments were directed at bishops.
“When I stated publicly that God defines marriage as an exclusive and permanent union between a man and a woman, I was merely restating what God has said and Jesus has affirmed,” he wrote.
“Everyone is free to believe what Jesus said or not. Everyone, that is, apart from me or any bishop because all bishops promise to teach nothing but what may be found in the Bible.
Words were directed at bishops, archbishop Glenn Davies said.
“When I said ‘Please, leave us’, my words were directed at bishops of the church, and those who wish to change our doctrine, and I stand by those words,” he continued.
“The words were not directed at members of our congregations, especially those who identify as gay, whether single or married.”
He went on to say that his words had been “misrepresented” either “intentionally or unintentionally”.
Meanwhile, in an interview with, Davies said he was merely “maintaining the faith” when he asked supporters of same-sex marriage to leave.
“I didn’t tell anyone to leave the church who are members of our church,” he said.
“What I said was bishops in the church who are advocating a change in the doctrine of our church, they’re the ones who should leave.”