Feelings are Blu and the girls are playing games: What trickery is Drag Race UK playing on us?
The Drag Race UK is on as our top five are watered down into a final four. But was watching episode six a drizzle or did it reign?
Drag Race UK season 1 episode 6: The verdict.
How much Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent was Drag Race UK’s episode six packing?
Overall: C.U.N.
Well, it waded through. The tide didn’t quite reach the highs of last week or the week before, but at this point it’s splitting synthetics. What we lost in a number one (or #2) challenge we gained in sass, shade and – finally – a fierce lip sync. It’s still the best hour the Beeb has to offer. Way to stay current.
Mini challenge: C.U.N.
We’re going to play a little game called B.B.C…I don’t know why you’re laughing.
The mini challenges should always be pure, unadulterated silliness. The British mini challenges should always be that plus a Kim Woodburn impression from The Vivienne. It really is the antidote I never knew I needed to this shady world. That, and imagining the faces of tomorrow’s Daily Express readers when they see what their licence fee has been spent on. This truly is the future liberals want, bring on season two.
Cheryl Hole: I’ve won something in this competition!
RuPaul: We’ve all won something in this competition.
Also, you’ve won a phone call with Katya is either the weirdest, worst or most wonderful prize in Drag Race herstory. You decide.
Main Challenge: C.U.n.
Selling water? I mean, sure. It was fine. The Vivienne’s was even funny: Vaginal Digestivum, sold in all good offies n’all that. Divina De Campo went to loads of effort and earned a safe. Cheryl Hole mixed the disparate influences of RuPaul’s Drag Race season five star Alyssa Edwards’ I have a secret with RuPaul’s Drag Race: All Stars 2 Alyssa Edwards’ I’m selling Red Bull to create something that was… actually still quite funny. And Blu Hydrangea’s was a bit w*nk but her w*nking a water bottle was one of the only times I actually laughed out loud.
Runway: C.U.N.
Category is: Rainy Day Eleganza.
Cheryl looked sorta fashion, sorta sexy and sorta Doctor Who extra circa 2005. Baga’s headpiece saved her for the second week running. Divina stayed a style icon but her bar is so high this effort will probably be forgotten and Blu can still beat a mug.
But buoy those queens must have felt the pressure from The Vivienne’s cloud and thought water we all doing here.
Divina’s no div.
Is Divina playing us? I wasn’t wholly convinced her self-affirming speech was all that warranted. It didn’t look like The Vivienne was being Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent-ey by hesitating between whether Divina or best mate Baga – both of whom frocking slayed – would have been a stronger teammate for last week’s challenge. But then having the commander of confidence corner come for your drag career can’t be much fun either.
Was she really speaking her truth against an oppressive force, or is she playing the best game of the lot by painting herself as the scrappy underdog conveniently sabotaging her inner saboteur live on screen? I haven’t a clue, but it’s impressive.
Shade of the week.
The Vivienne: “I would’ve chosen [Divina], Cheryl, Baga.”
Drag Race UK’s LSFYL.
Finally! Drag Race UK produced a lip-sync that was – if not iconic, then only the smallest step down. Cheryl deserves props for turning tricks and somehow managing to make a death drop feel fresh, but I can’t help feeling Blu served the song from the first beat to the last, and would ultimately have been my pick to shantay (which means sta – yes, Ru, I think we’ve got it by now.)
Feeling Blu.
I feel properly bereaved, bitter and blue about this elimination. The other four are fierce, original queens, and I’m happy to admit roughly three of them deserved to stay over Blu. But she was my favourite.
Like my other ride-or-die Naomi Smalls, she seemed to see behind the strings. She knew none of this is real, or really mattered. It’s a show that makes jokes out of gender roles, reality TV and everything besides. Sure, she’ll shade the host, stir up trouble and make Mary Berry blank. But she’ll also excite us in the challenges, runways and confessionals without making a hard play for the sympathy vote or class clown. Ru’s stellar workroom advice was telling Blu to be herself (while gifting Baga an entire concept) but she was wrong. Blu was the most authentic of the lot.
Line of succession: Who is on their way to snatching the crown in Drag Race UK?
1st: The Vivienne
We stan a comeback queen. We knew she was poised, talented and confident. But hearing her bravely talk about her struggle with drugs allowed us to see underneath the glossy finish. And Drag Race UK deserves praise for airing such a necessary segment. Lord Reith would be proud: educate, inform and entertain this show does.
= 2nd: Baga Chipz
She’s racked up three RuPeter’s and has become a global sensation and national treasure. Baga’s alredy won. The rest is just tomorrow’s chip paper.
= 2nd: Divina De Campo
She might be behind Baga on wins but nobody would argue she’s done any worse than Ms Chipz overall on Drag Race UK, and on the runway she’s been running circles around the rest. Plus, we know she’s got the story. It’s really a three horse race.
4th: Cheryl Hole
She might be the weakest link of Drag Race UK, but she’s death-droppingly talented, hilarious and adorable. She’s going to smash it on the outside and will probably return to slay the first inter-continental All Stars. Ru won’t be able to resist all that journey.Â