Whitney Houston wanted to confront Wendy Williams, girlfriend Robyn Crawford claims

Robyn Crawford and Whitney Houston circa 1988. (Getty)
Whitney Houston and her girlfriend Robyn Crawford once considered waiting outside Wendy Williams’ radio studio to confront her over her comments about Houston, Crawford has said.
Crawford is currently busy doing the press circuit following the release of her memoir A Song For You: My Life with Whitney Houston. To the surprise of many, she recently showed up on The Wendy Williams Show to talk about her relationship with the hitmaker, who tragically died in 2012.
Speaking about a now famous interview Williams did with Houston in 2003, Crawford said she was shocked to learn that Houston had agreed to make an appearance given their history.
Robyn Crawford heard a ‘fed up Whitney Houston’ in her famous 2003 interview with Wendy Williams.
“I heard that interview, I got a call from my former assistant. I wasn’t working with Whitney. And she said Whitney’s going to be on ‘Wendy Williams.’ I said, ‘What do you mean she’s going to be on Wendy?’ That was the cumulative, fed up Whitney Houston that I heard.”
Williams responded by asking Crawford if Houston was “fed up with me or fed up with the world,” to which Crawford said: “You had been talking about Whitney and myself for so long.”
“But it all came true. A lot of what I said is in this book. A lot of things I said were in this book,” Williams said.
We didn’t know what you looked like and our plan was to go down to Hudson Street… and wait for you right outside.
Crawford continued: “Everyone lived by the radio back then. We’re in the car, you’re talking like you lived with us, like you’re roommates with us. We’re in the car, sitting still and Whitney would say, ‘Who the… who is she? Who is this woman? I don’t even know what she looks like.’”
She also added, “We didn’t know what you looked like and our plan was to go down to Hudson Street… and wait for you right outside.
“We weren’t gonna fight, we just wanted to see you face-to-face and have a chat.”
Williams replied: “I’m frightened. Oh my gosh, I dodged that bullet.”
Crawford has recently opened up about the nature of her ‘physical’ relationship with Houston.
Crawford’s appearance on The Wendy Williams Show may come as a surprise to some given the tumultuous history between Williams and Houston.
Williams famously spoke about Houston regularly on her radio show and speculated about the nature of her relationship with Crawford. In 2003, Houston finally went on her show where the pair had a jaw-dropping exchange which has gone down in pop culture history.
In a recent interview with NBC, Crawford opened up about the nature of her relationship with Houston.
She said: “We were intimate on many levels and all I can say is that is was very deep and we were very connected.
“Our friendship was a deep friendship and in the early part of that friendship it was physical. It was during that first summer that we met, was the first time our lips touched.
“And it wasn’t anything planned, it just happened. And it felt wonderful. And then, not long after that, we spent the night together.