Indya Moore and Patricia Arquette join growing condemnation of JK Rowling’s ‘transphobia’

Actors Indya Moore and Patricia Arquette have both condemned JK Rowling’s ‘anti-trans’ tweet (Getty)
A growing list of public figures and celebrities are adding their voices in condemnation of latest ‘anti-trans’ tweet from Harry Potter author JK Rowling.
Yesterday JK Rowling voiced her support for a woman named Maya Forstater who pursued legal action to have “gender-critical views” protected under the UK Equalities Act.
Judge James Tayler ruled that anti-trans or gender critical views are not a protected characteristic, adding that such views are “not worthy of respect in a democratic society” and that they conflict with the fundamental human rights of others.
After the ruling was announced, Rowling tweeted: “Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill.”
The backlash against Rowling was swift, with countless LGBT+ people and advocates sharing their heartbreak at seeing the beloved children’s author openly aligning herself with ‘TERFs’ (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists).
Star Wars actor Mark Hamill issued an apology for accidentally liking the tweet, and even the former child star of Matilda, Mara Wilson, called Rowling’s post “cruel and exclusionary“.
The multi-award winning actress Patricia Arquette, whose sister is transgender, left her followers in no doubt as to her views. She replied to Rowling’s tweet: “I do not stand with Maya [Forstater] for many reasons.
“She claims women’s healthcare can be negatively impacted because trans women can be used to test medications for women. This does not happen. Medical testing has not been applied fairly to women because of medical bias not because of trans women.
“To clarify, Maya sited medical testing as one of her reasons.”
She claims women’s healthcare can be negatively impacted because trans women can be used to test medications for women. This does not happen. Medical testing has not been applied fairly to women because of medical bias not because of trans women.
— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) December 19, 2019
She continued: “I am not afraid of being raped by a trans woman in fact I’m afraid FOR trans women as they have the highest likelihood of being raped in any group. I’m afraid of rapist[s] who are everywhere sadly.”
When another Twitter user suggested that the term ‘TERF’ has become the new ‘witch’, Arquette quickly replied: “As a descendant of a woman who survived two Salem witch trials, as a women’s rights activist and as a sister of a transgender woman I have no problem standing up for women’s, trans or real witches’ rights.”
Indya Moore, a trans and non-binary model and actress best known for their role as Angel Evangelista in Pose, also stepped onto the online battleground.
Contradicting Rowling’s claim that Forstater was forced out of her job for saying that sex is real, Moore said: “She didn’t say sex was real. She said trans women are men and you are co-signing her.
“The existence of sex doesn’t mean trans women aren’t women and trans men aren’t men. The determination of sex is not binary, it can be determined in many different ways USING SCIENCE.”
She didn’t say sex was real. She said trans women are men & you are co-signing her. The existence of sex doesn’t mean trans women aren’t women & trans men aren’t men. The determination of sex is not binary, it can be determined in many different ways USING SCIENCE.
— Indya Moore (@IndyaMoore) December 20, 2019
Our identities aren’t opinionated & debating us causes us irreparable harm. @jk_rowling so please, refrain from coopting arguments and people who do.
— Indya Moore (@IndyaMoore) December 20, 2019
And they told JK Rowling that the very act of debating the validity of trans people is enough to put them in danger.
Also not only does @jk_rowling and other Trans exclusionary radical/feminists passively weaponize their ideologies about sex to invalidate the identities/experience of binary trans people they also erase intersex people in the process.
— Indya Moore (@IndyaMoore) December 20, 2019
Other Twitter users are spreading pro-trans love and support using the hashtags #IStandWithTransPeople, #LGBTQFamily and #TransRightsAreHumanRights.