Russian LGBT+ rights campaigner thinks we should colonise the Moon and Mars to control the spread of coronavirus

Artist’s rendering of the moon, where we all may live someday to escape the coronavirus calamities back on Earth. (Stock photo via Elements Envato)
Nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus, but does that include the Moon and Mars?
In the ongoing saga of COVID-19, a Russian lawyer who specialises in LGBT+ advocacy has recommended we board the nearest rocket and blast off to our friendly interstellar neighbours and set up camp there.
Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights chair and “professional manager in the space industry” Maria Blast uploaded a video to YouTube Sunday, issuing a message to the “inhabitants of the planet Earth”.
‘Coronavirus is a crisis of human civilisation, a global crisis.’
In the nearly eight-minute-long video, which begins with a sweeping animation of an intergalactic bedroom, Blast addresses “those people who are smart people – farmers, workers, businessmen, leaders of countries, politicians, officials, activists, et cetera”.
She said: “You have heard now the phrase coronavirus. Coronavirus is a crisis of human civilisation, a global crisis.
“Coronavirus shows there are no borders and no nations [anymore]. Everyone is connected by one world with one problem.
“Coronavirus is a result of overpopulation. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second we strain the resources of our planet.”
“What should we do in this situation? It is my suggestion we should leave megacities.
“We should leave megacities in favour of space exploration. We should expand our home because it is overwhelmed.
“We have been forced to leave this planet, to [take] the next step into space. To make space bases on other planets, for example, the Moon, Mars and other planets.”
‘We are all connected now.’
Many economies and pubic health systems, many on threadbare budgets, have been threatened by the mass pandemic.
Since the 1960s, groups have warned of the dangers of overpopulation.
Decades of United Nations projections for the year 2000 came within 3 per cent of the actual total, making its 9.7 billion predictions for 2050 both credible and alarming.
While rising populations risk degrading public health care system resilience, the threat of the viral outbreak, activists warn, stems not from overpopulation but by, in part, failing to contain the number of people that acquire COVID-19 at once.
By stalling how many people acquire the virus, such as through social distancing, healthcare providers can more effectively treat those with COVID-19. Rather than an aggressive influx straining resources.
“We are all connected now,” Blast added. “If we want to defeat coronavirus […] we need to join our resources, we need to join our efforts.”