Man pulls young daughter to safety before ‘horrific’ crash leaves his husband crushed and trapped
When Matthew Stringer saw a white van thundering towards him as he walked across the road, he only had seconds to react.
His husband and seven-year-old daughter stood next to him in a leafy suburb in North London on Sunday morning when the vehicle cut through the weekend stillness and sped towards them.
Stringer said that “parental instinct took over” as he pulled his daughter to safety, he told Evening Standard, as his husband dived between two parked cars. He was then trapped and crushed when the van collided with them.
Man trapped between two cars after ‘horrific’ crash in Wood Green, London.
His husband Kris Rawlinson was tangled in a mesh of shattered glass and dented metal, his leg broken, outside a residence in Harringey.
A throng of emergency services – ambulance crews, the police and fire bridge –rushed to the scene to save him, being forced to cut him out of the crumpled cars.
Rawlinson was rushed to the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, east London, where he is now waiting for an operation.
Stringer said: “It was the most terrifying experience.
“The van came hurtling over the bridge out of nowhere, driving straight towards me, my husband and my seven-year-old daughter as we walked down the path towards the park.