UKIP has a new leader who thinks that teaching children about gay people is ‘a form of child abuse’. Also, UKIP apparently still exists

New UKIP leader Freddy Vachha
New UKIP leader Freddy Vachha once said he believes that teaching children about gay people is a form of “child abuse”.
The ailing nationalist party, which has faced dwindling support and a revolving door of failed leaders, elected Vachha, a former science teacher, as its latest leader on Monday (June 22).
Vachha, who had previously served as the party’s interim general secretary, delivered his victory speech under a statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square.
In it, he declared: “UKIP went astray quite a few years ago but it’s now back on track, we’re back in business, we’re a proper mainstream political party.”
However, the new leader has views about gay people that are far from mainstream.
New UKIP leader says teaching about sexual orientation is ‘polluting children’s minds’
Last year, responding to a survey from UKIP “family values” pressure group Support 4 The Family, Freddy Vachha was asked if he believes that relationships education in schools should include teaching about sexual orientation.
He wrote: “Absolutely not! While I’m against criminalising more things, polluting children’s minds with such poppycock should be socially treated as a form of child abuse.”
Answering other questions, the now UKIP leader suggested that trans people could change their legal gender “on a whim or with a sinister agenda” — and claimed that the UK’s family courts “have a political, anti-man and anti-family pseudo-Marxist agenda”.
Asked about a rise in children referred to NHS gender identity services, he added: “The conclusion is that children are being abused. There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark…”
Freddy Vachha joined UKIP after rows in Daily Mail comment section.
In a separate video interview published on the party’s YouTube channel last year, Vachha recalled that he was moved to join UKIP after “waging war online in the reader’s comments of the Daily Mail”, which he claims were “filled with EU-inspired, or perhaps even EU-paid trolls”.
Again addressing LGBT+ inclusive education, he said: “I believe young children should have a time of innocence before the harsh realities of the world we find ourselves in are thrust upon them, they should have a chance to be children. ”
Referring to protests staged by mostly Muslim activists against inclusive education, he said: “Here we have two darlings of the left in collision, so some people are quite chuffed at this.”
Asked which side would succeed, he replied: “Who has more babies?”
Vachha also volunteered that he had “no firm views” about adoption by same-sex couples, but went on to claim that children should not be “sacrificed to some political agenda”.
He added that children”are probably better off being brought up with in a stable environment where they can feel happy and comfortable and part of a majority, rather than feeling part of a smaller minority…. that should be the starting point from which adoptions and other things are decided.”
In 2018, the party put out a manifesto that pledged to oppose LGBT-inclusive primary school education, repeal hate speech guidelines, “scrap the Crown Prosecution Service’s guidelines on ‘hate crime,'” and “repeal the Equality Act 2010.”
PinkNews has contacted Freddy Vachha for comment.