An interracial lesbian couple visited a wedding venue. Its ‘racist homophobe’ owner told them ‘leave and never come back’

The couple said they will be taking legal action against Poet’s Café under the Anti-Discrimination Act. (TripAdviser)
The owner of a café in Queensland, Australia, allegedly told a lesbian interracial couple to leave and “never come back”.
The same-sex couple, who remained anonymous, are both frontline healthcare workers – one is a doctor in an emergency department, and the other is training to be a midwife.
They both work long shifts, especially during a global pandemic, but last Sunday (June 28) had a rare day off at the same time.
According to QNews, the lesbian couple decided to take a drive and visit Poet’s Café in Queensland, as they were scoping it out as a potential wedding venue.
They walked in holding hands, found a table and ordered a coffee. One half of the couple said: “We told four different waitstaff we wished to order food after our coffee.”
But as soon as they began to drink their coffees, they were given a bill at the instruction of an older man they presumed to be the owner.
Cafe owner tells interracial lesbian couple ‘never come back’.
When they asked if he needed the table back for some reason, he responded: “I want you to just finish up and leave!”
Confused, they left, but were soon followed by a staff member who wanted them to pay for the coffees. One of the women said they would not be paying, and went back inside to speak with the owner.
He insisted: “I want you to never come back here.”
The couple said they will be taking legal action against the café under the Anti-Discrimination Act through the Queensland Human Rights Commission.
Among other protected characteristics the act prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or race in the provision of goods and services.
National spokesperson for PFLAG Shelley Argent said: “I am amazed at this time when businesses are struggling for custom that any business owner would prove so small-minded that he would turn customers away because he is either homophobic or racist and worse still both.
“It’s time that business owners learnt that it is no longer acceptable to treat people in this manner.
“I congratulate the two women for standing up and saying ‘enough is enough’.
“Their rights need to be recognised and respected the same as any other customer just wanting a coffee and some lunch.”