Donald Trump really wants you know he’s thrilled to be bottom when it comes to queer men on hook-up apps

Joe Biden tops Donald Trump in significant new poll of LGBT voters

Donald Trump is boasting after Hornet users who were asked to choose between him and Joe Biden placed him bottom ā€“ but still with a surprising amount of support.

The president took to Twitter to share an unscientific poll from the hook-up app Hornet, which found 45 per cent of users planned on voting for Trump, compared to 51 per cent for Joe Biden.

The majority for Biden in the self-selecting poll is much slimmer than in the 2016 election, when users on gay dating apps put Hillary Clinton on top by a wide margin.

Tweeting an article reporting on the poll, Trump wrote: “Great!”

The apparent support for Trump by nearly half of the users on gay hook-up apps may not be a surprise to campaigners who have spent years calling out the obscene level of racism on the platforms.

Donald Trump will take gay people’s votes… and also their rights.

The minority support for Trump among Hornet users comes despite the Trump administration’s systemic attempts to dismantle civil rights protections to LGBT+ people ā€” not least demolishing the fragile Supreme Court majority on LGBT+ rights by pushing through another conservative justice.

President Donald Trump charges up the crowd while speaking of the need to win the upcoming election during a campaign rally at the Toledo Express Airport on September 21, 2020 in Swanton, Ohio.

President Donald Trump charges up the crowd while speaking of the need to win the upcoming election during a campaign rally at the Toledo Express Airport on September 21, 2020 in Swanton, Ohio. (Matthew Hatcher/Getty Images)

In the past month alone, the Department of Justice has spearheaded efforts to undermine discrimination protections, intervening in a legal battle to defend the right to force out a Catholic school teacher based on his sexual orientation.

Meanwhile, housing and urban development secretary Ben Carson is still seeking to impose transphobic rules that will lead to discrimination in homeless shelters, while education secretary Betsy DeVos has been accused of “extorting” school districts into adopting anti-trans athletics policies with threats to withdraw funding.

Trump has been branded the ‘most racist, anti-LGBTQ president weā€™ve seen in decades’.

Earlier this month, Trump was personally accused of homophobic conduct, with former fixer Michael Cohen claiming that he had referred to a former Apprentice contestant as a “Black fag”.

Addressing the claim last week, Human Rights Campaign president Alphonso David said: “If true, Cohenā€™s revelation confirms what we already know: Donald Trump is the most racist, anti-LGBTQ president weā€™ve seen in decades.

“If true, this statement would be by far the most horrifically anti-LGBTQ statement made by Trump throughout his time in public life.

ā€œOver and over again, Trump demeans people because of their marginalised identity, ignoring their value or contributions and instead dehumanising them.”

He added:Ā “This mentality, this type of language leads to the violence weā€™ve seen across this country. This year we are on track to have the highest amount of anti-transgender violence since HRC began tracking it in 2013.

“We need a president who will empower marginalised communities. We need a president who recognises his words have power and impact.

“We need a president who will support and protect the transgender community, particularly Black trans women who bear the brunt of the violence. We need Joe Biden.”