Donald Trump’s lesbian niece Mary sums up the mood of the nation with just six simple words

Mary Trump

As the world celebrates Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump, it’s possible that no one was happier to see an end to his controversial presidency than his own niece Mary.

Mary Trump has been outspoken in her hatred for her uncle, savaging him in a damning tell-all memoir that the former president tried desperately to suppress.

She’s frequently offered familial insights into the “petty, pathetic little man” she unfortunately knows all too well, making no secret of what she really thinks of him.

So it was true to form when she took to Twitter moments after Biden’s victory was announced to sum up the mood of the nation, if not the entire planet, with six simple words.

“Overwhelmed. Grateful. Relieved. We did it.”

Her understated tweet immediately went viral as countless people around the world agreed wholeheartedly with her sentiment.

Several Twitter users thanked her for her honesty and courage in speaking out against Donald Trump, calling her “one of the heroes of this moment”.

“You are the only Trump I ever want to hear from again,” wrote one commenter. “Thank you for your honesty and integrity.”

It’s not the first time Mary Trump has perfectly encapsulated the mood of a nation ā€“ she’s become popular for her pithy tweets, which generally convey a great deal more subtlety than the former president’s.

One of her best moments came when Trump’s questionable Twitter activity was compared to that of a “crazy uncle” during the NBC town hall in October.

“Youā€™re the president, not someoneā€™s crazy uncle who can just retweet whatever,” moderator Savannah Guthrie told him, a remark that became the defining moment of the 60-minute debate.

They were the words we have all wanted to scream at the so-called leader of the free world for the past four years. But they resonated with no one so strongly as Mary Trump, who reminded us that, for her at least, Guthrieā€™s remark wasnā€™t entirely true.

“Actuallyā€¦” she replied in a single tweetĀ that spoke volumes.