Tom Daley really doesn’t care what people think about his marriage

Tom Daley (L) with husband Dustin Lance Black. (Getty/ David M Benett)
Olympian Tom Daley has said he truly doesn’t care what people think about his marriage, because the most important thing is that he and his husband are in love.
Daley, 27, married his husband, screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, 47, in 2017. The couple welcomed their son Robbie in 2018, born in the US via a surrogate.
The diver told The Guardian that while some people criticise the age gap between him and his husband, he has learned to brush it off.
He said: “One thing I learned early on is not to care what other people think.
“That’s been useful since I’ve been with my husband. I’m 27, he is 47.
“People have their opinions, but we don’t notice the age gap. When you fall in love, you fall in love.”
Whatever happens, whether it’s unsolicited advice about his relationship or a competition that doesn’t go as planned, his biggest comfort is being able to go home to his family.
Daley said: “I’ve always wanted kids. Even when I was 12 I was excited about being a parent. Robbie is three now.
“Becoming a parent helps you realise what actually matters.
“Now, when I’m standing on the end of a board about to dive, I can think: ‘Whether I dive well or badly I can go home to my family and they’re going to love me regardless.'”
Tom Daley recently admitted that diving is no longer the most important part of his life
Earlier this month, before arriving in Tokyo for the 2020 Olympics, Tom Daley told The Daily Mirror that diving is no longer the most important thing in his life.
Previously he “defined” himself by diving, and said: “If I dived well it reflected on me as a person.
“Now I’m first and foremost a father and husband.”
While he still feels the “pressure” around competing, he added: “I have other important things in my life, mainly being my son.
“The thought that he is going to be able to watch me compete, even if it is on TV, excites me.”