Dolly Parton thinks she gets ‘too much credit’ for COVID vaccine

Dolly Parton. (Ian Gavan/Getty)
Dolly Parton thinks she gets more credit than she deserves for donating $1 million to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.
The country icon made headlines in November 2020 when it emerged she had donated a hefty sum to Vanderbilt University Medical Centre in Nashville, Tennessee, to aid the development of Moderna’s highly-effective COVID-19 vaccine.
Speaking to Absolute Country Radio, Dolly Parton said she knew she had to do something when the COVID-19 pandemic started – but she doesn’t want to take any credit for the work of trailblazing scientists.
“When the pandemic came out, I just felt led to do something because I knew something bad was on the rise and I just kind of wanted to help with that, so I donated to help with that,” Parton said.
“So, mine was a small part, of course, but I probably get a mot more credit than I deserve, but I was happy to be part of that, and to be able to try stop something in its tracks that’s really just become such a monster for all of us.”
Dolly Parton went on to receive the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
Parton first became aware of the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre in 2013 when she was in a car crash, The Daily Beast reported last year.
There, she became friends with surgeon Naji Abumrad. As the coronavirus pandemic raged across the world, he invited Parton to the university to show her the work they were doing on developing a vaccine.
The singer quickly jumped at the opportunity to donate to the fund, winning praise from her legion of fans in the process.
In March, Dolly Parton shared a video of herself on social media receiving her first dose of the Moderna vaccine at the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre.
She even rewrote her hit song “Jolene” for the occasion, adding the lyrics: “Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, I’m begging of you please don’t hesitate. Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, because once you’re dead, then that’s a bit too late.”