Drag Race UK’s A’Whora apologises for breaking COVID rules after testing positive

A’Whora on Drag Race UK. (BBC)
Drag Race UK star A’Whora has apologised after she broke self-isolation rules despite having tested positive for COVID-19.
A’Whora told followers on Friday (20 August) in a since-deleted tweet: “Miss COVID got me good today.” But after it was alleged on social media that she’d been seen in public, A’Whora confirmed that she broke self-isolation rules.
“I want to take accountability and start by apologising for the recent COVID case,” she wrote Monday (23 August).
The season two queen said that she first felt unwell the previous Sunday (15 August) while traveling to Brighton to play with the United Kingdolls. A lateral flow test returned a negative result, so she continued with the performance as planned on Monday (16 August).
That night, A’Whora noticed that she was losing her sense of taste. She subsequently took a PCR test which came back positive.

A’Whora’s deleted tweet. (Twitter)
According to gov.uk, anybody notified by NHS Test and Trace of a positive COVID result must self-isolate for 10 full days from when symptoms started, or from when the test was taken.
A’Whora said that she isolated in her room, away from her housemates, from the moment her test result came in.
While in isolation, she tested herself daily and monitored her symptoms.
“Friday morning I received my first negative result, I then repeated this lateral testing every morning when I wake and every night before I sleep,” she wrote.
“After having seven negative results and no longer having symptoms of COVID I came out of isolation.” Government rules do not allow for this.
“I thought it was a safe decision and understand the risk I could have caused on others,” A’Whora added.
The Drag Race UK queen says she now understands the risk she posed to others having broken her isolation before the required 10 days.
“I want to sincerely apologise and know that I have acknowledged… [my] lack of awareness and inconsideration of my own choices.
“I won’t try to do better, I will do better, and take this as a lesson to understand to full COVID measures and legal requirements regardless of circumstances.”
According to gov.uk, those who do not comply with self-isolation may face a fine.