Dog the Bounty Hunter’s daughter accuses her father of ‘horrific’ homophobia and racism

Dog the Bounty Hunter with his late wife Beth in 2015 ( Ilya S. Savenok/Getty)
The daughter of Dog the Bounty Hunter has accused her father of homophobia and racism after she and her sister were banned from his upcoming wedding.
The reality TV star, aka Duane Chapman, 68, is set to marry his sixth wife Francie Frane next month – but two of his 13 children, Bonnie and Cecily, have reportedly been left off the guest list. Bonnie explained why in a Facebook post on Tuesday (24 August).
She claims she was uninvited because of her “choice to participate in social justice and BLM protests with The System“, a crime drama run by the same network that cancelled her father’s show Dog Unleashed over his alleged racist and homophobic comments and “illegal activity during filming”.
Bonnie says she was expected to “condemn” the streaming platform for firing her father, but refused to do so. “I’m sorry, but I can’t defend my dad’s racism,” she said.
“When it comes to The System on UnleashedTV, my father was fired by the platform for using racial and homophobic epithets toward my fellow cast members on the show, which is about social justice advocacy and protesting violence and racial bias by police.
“I have expressed time and time again my ever-growing disappointment in my father’s progression into his old racist ways. I had forgiven my father after my mother’s death for countless actions that I shouldn’t have.”
Dog the Bounty Hunter allegedly ‘doubled down’ on racism after wife’s death
Bonnie went on to accuse Dog of persistently cheating on her mother Beth Chapman, who died of cancer in June 2019.
“He would cheat on my mom all the time, and I hated him every time he did it, but I forgave him for that because I wanted a relationship with my dad,” she said, adding: “I thought I had only one parent left. I was left with the racist and homophobic parents.”
Beth co-starred with Dog the Bounty Hunter on several of his shows and worked hard to keep him in line, Bonnie said, a job that often consisted of “dealing with his near-constant infidelity with her friends and strangers while trying to teach him to be a better man”.
When her mother was sick in hospital, Bonnie says her father “ran away from the person she inspired him to be” and began to have an affair with one of Beth’s friends. After her death he continued to “dishonour” his late wife by leaning into extreme right-wing views.
“He’s associated himself with people like right-wing megachurch pastor Greg Locke, who mock crucified his own son for religious propaganda and spews hate toward LGBTQ people almost constantly in his social media,” she said.
“He has embraced old prejudices and doubled down on racist and homophobic stereotypes. For example, my dad hates BLM and called BLM protestors who I proudly stand with each and every day ‘thugs’.
“He has used horrific epithets against LGBTQ people, and he has further aligned himself with right-wing extremists who believe in QAnon theories.”
She continued: “If my dad and his new wife want to travel to right-wing churches attacking gay people and advancing QAnon theories, he can certainly do that, but I’m going to stand by the memory and legacy of my mom, Beth Chapman. Her memory, and the values she stood for, are worth fighting to advance.”
The reality TV star claims his daughter is trying to ‘derail’ his wedding
In a statement to Page Six Dog the Bounty Hunter claimed Bonnie’s allegations were “false and a misguided attempt to derail our wedding”.
“I’m not perfect and have made some mistakes,” he said. “I’m very appreciative of everyone who has spoken out on my behalf including my daughter Lyssa.
“Sadly, Bonnie and Cecily have been employed by disgruntled former associates with multiple felonies who want revenge at any cost and are attempting to tarnish my reputation.”
“In fact, I met these guys years ago when I was hired to track them down after they jumped bail. Now, they’re allegedly being investigated federally as well as by several state attorneys general according to multiple reports.”
He urged people to pray for his daughters “to be released from whatever hold these people have on them”.